Calabogie HPDE-Club Race July 17-19th

It wouldn’t have been done in time to leave. I need a car during the day too, so its hard to leave it somewhere for 1-2 days. Leaking something. It still needs love. It’ll be up to you soon lol.

poor girl ,

insert random comma , here ,

keep on topic bonesqueezer:lol

Yeah I remember you were coming on the 23rd. I wanted to come watch. Do you know if you’re coming again?

Not until October and it’s not definite yet.

Bumpity Bump --about a month away

So now that we are just under a month away I trust that you have now signed up and paid?


:facepalm @ random, unprovoked call-out.i wanted a car that was easier to pay off. i’ll just leave that there/

EDIT: are there any HPDE’s later in the year like late august or september?

Why? So you can puss out on those too?


And no, there arent. Ever.


143 haterz.

guess i’ll just look around myself for some. thanks for the help

EDIT: is this event full yet?

Well you see, I can’t sign up yet because I am waiting on my new swaybar. My car wouldn’t be any fun if I ran it without the new sway bar. I also need to get a new shiftknob before I go…blah blah blah…<insert random excuse comment here>

You guys don’t like us being “haterz” then come prove us wrong. This event is CHEAP, in Canada and at an epic track.

and no, the event isn’t full, which is why we are bumping the thread.

The Guilderland HS squad’s excuses are dropping fast. Soon they’ll just have to admit they’re just scared.

Come to Bogie and I’ll buy you all ice cream. Seriously, there is an awesome ice cream place in town.

I’m not making any excuses, I’m just trying to figure out if this is the best way I want to spend $400+

My “excuse” earlier in the year was more than valid with the Altima, I wasn’t about to trade the car in with bald tires and/or drop $400+ on new ones.

I’m certainly not scared, I have no reason to learn and have fun at the same time, but I pay for my own stuff and am trying to decide what I want more, to come that much closer to having my car paid off and to have that weight off of my shoulders or to come out to one of these.

Genuine, honest sales pitch:

This is the best one to go to.

The best instruction from novice through experienced groups, killer track, plenty of people you know that can help you with whatever you need (going by yourself sucks when you need help), club race for entertainment between sessions, and did I mention the track is awesome.

I completely hear ya. See above response. I’m thinking long and hard about this one.

By the way where are you all staying, some hotel up there?

Jesse about covered it --But I will add this.

There is an event at Lime Rock in October for Patroon. Will you get in–probably not. That fills up very quickly. I would much more prefer to travel to Canada in July than LRP in October. Yes Canada is a longer trip, but you will learn much more in Canada than at LRP. LRP can catch a novice in a bad way.

AND the entry fee for 2 days in Canada is less than one day at LRP

Also – Real Canadian Beer.

Hey Jesse --I started a thread on Bimmerforums too --any chance you can drop in there and stir the pot a little.

I will pot-stir. I’ve been spamming the different racer hangouts too.

Conversation breeds conversation, I’ll get help…

So who’s going…LOL
Me of course…check
anyone else?
didn’t think so…
Cossey? Vagina hurting too much? Krammerbuccs? uh? No one right?

Tom–I need to know if you are planning on staying over till Monday or leaving Sunday. Give me a call when you get a chance ( few other Questions)

Also–Zeke and Byron are coming up to work at the event.