Calabogie HPDE-Club Race July 17-19th


Well I had to bribe them a little.

Damn tom was telling me about this. I wanted to check it out since I finally got my suspension and brakes done but I’m at the beach all that week :frowning:

in :wink:

Hey Mike,

I know of an instructor looking for a roomate (separate beds) if you need a place to stay.

Also --Are you making the track stickers now?

Oh crap…this should be hilarious…

I give up Why?

How is the beetle doing?

I appreciate that, but I ended up prepaying for a room at the Best Western in Renfrew. My dad is coming up with me too so I don’t have to drive the whole way and he can take some video when I’m out there.

We have calabogie track stickers up on the site now… I think it was one of the first ones I made.

I’m excited for this. My track wheels just showed up yesterday and I’ve got NT01’s on the way. Should be a great time.

Beetle’s good, going to the valley sat morning to shake it down…I was busting Mike’s balls because this is the first time he has actually decided to come out…plus my ex- went to RPI with him…hahahaha

still working on it. hopefully soon :thumbup :lol

have fun, gentlemen

Pending my EDL showing up on time, I’ll be heading up Friday evening as well!

NT01’s are fun. You probably alredy planned it, but you might want to bring some stickers to sell in the paddock. Not that it is officially allowed or anything or you would want to pay tax on it or anything --but just a suggestion.

Or work out a sponsorship with Patroon for next year…

Haha first time to come out with you old men :slight_smile:

I figure it’s time to get back into some grip days with 4 wheels instead of two, especially since I sold my bike.

I’m stuck with the wife’s mini cooper until the 240 is done though.

That’s not a bad idea. I’ll bring up some calabogie track maps, but I don’t want to bring up anything else really and cause problems.

I thought you couldn’t get off work? This is going to end up being an interesting weekend.

OK Time for Tom to tell us where the “ballet” is.

Do you guys want to do the Grill thing again this year? I am thinking about throwing a slightly bigger one in the truck instead of the portable one. If so --Bring stuff to burn ( and share)

Saturday is the cookout at the track --but we are on our own the rest of the time.

I couldn’t - so I’m heading up Friday evening with Byron.

And yes, are there still tickets for the ballet available? Should I bring pocket money for the ballet?

Make sure to bring up an orange one to match my cage.

I would say yes since we are all cheap bastards.

Lyndon and Mike - Glad you guys are both coming.

We cant get Lyndon to come out to LRP for an afternoon but he’s coming to Canada? What’s up with that? :smiley:

Ballet tickets are prob $5 at the door. Stop before the border and get Monopoly money - I mean Canadian cash.

Someone has to show you kids how it’s done… :wink: