Cameras on the 290? *Accident w/pics*

I know you’re trying to stick up for your buddy, but come on. The only time you don’t put collision on a car is when you can afford to simply buy another one if you total it.

If full coverage on a Z is that bad at his age, which I imagine it would be, maybe he shouldn’t be driving one at 20. The cost of proper insurance should be included when you’re looking at your car budget. He bought more car than he could really afford, cut corners in other areas to make it fit his budget, and got fucked.

  1. No collision, because it would be too expensive.
  2. Running summer only tires in Buffalo in January, because obviously snows weren’t part of his budget either.

Maybe he was totally not at fault, maybe he was partially at fault, maybe he was 100% at fault. At this point it really doesn’t matter because there is no police report and no witnesses. You’re not going to get any type of accident reconstruction or CSI video enhancement done in an accident with no injuries just because some 20 year old kid is mad his car is wrecked.