i can feel my insurance digging deeper into my asshole.
Thats fucked up…ppl at my work thought it was me which is even more weird RIP
LMAOF!! that is funny. My insurance got me in a full nelson.
Rip!!! I bet if this kid took is car on a road course and learn what his car can do, he would still be living today.
The people in the car could have been egging him on to race the other car!
wow, 2 people in 1 seat and still decides to street race. that is pushing it.
i bet my left nut the two passengers were not…NOT telling him to slow down.
i have been egged on by lots of people to rip…sometimes you do, sometimes you dont.
you have close calls and you make it…sure everyone has it coming to them sooner or later.
even tho im not here to fight…everyone rips and almost 90% of people here, i have personally seen ripping.
ripping teck!
ripping, and swerving through DVP traffic with 1 extra person in the seat is a totally different story.
shit happends
And when it does, you end up getting buried in it.
exactly, if the person knew how to drive then this wouldnt have happend. ricers
I agree with Keez. Everyone rips it, I guess it’s just some people that need to learn/know when and where to do it. I’ll admit that I speed on the highway, somtimes I go as much as 20 over, but that’s only when it’s late at night or very early in the morning, there are no cars out and I KNOW what the road’s conditions are like.
The same goes when people “edge” you on to rip it. You gotta know when’s right. For example … do I rip it going down the onramp with my shitty tires & stock suspension when my buddies yell “DRIFT”? Or do I wait, and kick it sideways for a bit in an abondoned Wal-Mart parking lot at 3am in the morning?
Regardless, RIP to them. Shit happens, I hope everyone takes this tragedy as a positive influence on life. Make the right choices, cuz when you hit that pole, 99% chance lifes over.
Nah, I doubt that. You weren’t there, anything could have happened to cause the accident. Could have been something he was trying to avoid, excess speed with shitty tires (i’ve seen a few people in s-chassis and z32’s rolling on BALD rubber), or straight up he didn’t know where he was going. If your not acustom to a certain road or street, and out of nowhere a yellow sign pops up that says “Slow down, hard right approaching, 30KM/H”, and your going like 110…
Don’t wanna get to far into this but yea… shit happens.
I guess you gotta know where to draw the line, and obviously he didnt no when to. They wern’t exactly the kinda guys to know when to draw it.
But, exactly crap happens.
maybe the statement before this went down was one of the classic “watch this”
Those are some famous last words.
damn! just like what happened to devil Z in wangan midnight! only this time is a 300ZX on DVP and not the 240Z on japan’s high speed road. sucks this happened, but we can all learn from this tragic accident.
did you just compare real life to a cartoon???
that just happened!!!
this was such a waist of a nice 300zx tt what a shame to loose such a wonderful car it makes me sad to see nice cars like this get put to waist!