Car Paint/Condition Thread.

First off this isn’t really a bodywork thread, so no bondo repairing your rust on your EG/S13 talk…

Alot of good info can come outta this… curious to see if you guys have personal knowledge.

#1 - This isnt necessarily for me, but I’m painting my car soon (professionally) and what are some good tips/hints for the first couple months of fresh paint. Ive heard Touch free car wash/clay bar(i know i know the paint brand new, why would you bar it. Again, just heard…) /waxing/etc isn’t good for the paint at all.

#2 - Buffing (hard vs soft)/waxing (Traditional wax on, wax off vs non touch wax)/clay bar/. - Best product, both cost effective / results

#3 - Anything else not mentioned?..




Never would have guessed shift would be the place to have not one answer and go completly offtopic. :number1

Okay Mr. Fuckin Serious! I get my car back this week… I’ll let you know what he tells me when I say I’m going to wash my car!!! kay?! GOOD!

Thanks :lol

i know claybarring is great for getting off overspray. not sure how long you have to wait after a new paint job to do it though, or if you have to wait at all.

Edit, since i have too many windows open, and posted in the wrong thread :

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

+rep for j00

(for the record, i wasn’t attempting an oil change in that pic :smiley: )

ya i know. Just what i think about when i see that pic. and DAMIT!!. posted in the wrong thread.

i told my sister that one of the fuse boxes in the frunk was the motor and she said “cool!” :facepalm :facepalm

O Hai!



you’re the last person i’d give that info to :lol

ill detail her!..

:rofl iight ill stop. :hug.

She better be older than 16. :lol i feel like silent right now if shes like 13 :shifty

she’s 2 months old :shifty

:excited!!! i can hide her under the bed when the cops come!..


Ok enough OT about babies being raped and put under beds.

i skipped over this when you first posted it. wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :lol

If you’re having it done ‘professionally’ don’t you think the ‘professional’ will tell you how to care for the paint? :facepalm