Celtic1982citleC's fully built 2006 WRX STI

you know how i know your gay…

04 R or bust


Justin: Fuck you. Going to be a lonely night for someone…
Cossey: If Justin spent any money on me, that might be a correct statement.
Ron: Thank you. I think?

meh… cars are a once in a lifetime purchase… bitches come and go daily. :wink:


i dont want to hear about your pre-workout protein shakes.

I’m pretty sure most people purchase more than one car in a lifetime, hell some even purchase more than one in a year.

For that matter, say you buy a car today, I doubt that car is still going to be around the day you die. Your STI is testament to that fact.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, your statement is void.

It’s just as rare that a chick will stick around all that time too. Except chicks take even more of your crap and whine while they do it. Cars > chicks. R32 DO IT!

Both have their pros and cons:
For instance, it’s somewhat difficult to have intimate relations with your car.
Especially in this case. 5" exhaust tip? Come on. Hookers are tighter. Have fun with that.
Unlike a car, I perform my own / require less maintenance.
Both will only take so much crap before somethings got to give.
Lucky for me his wife takes all the abuse and I just get to enjoy the ride.
And yes, both are expensive hobbies.
However, I would rather see the STI get a new fancy mod than have me get a new fancy designer bag or something.
I look better driving the STI than a designer bag would look on my arm anyway. :wink:

I am more than willing to continue this argument, but can a mod please split the thread first? I feel bad cluttering a perfectly good build thread with our nonsense…

Chicks vs. Cars - GO!

R32’s suck :rofl

Doesn’t the new R32 run like, 14s@9xmph?

That shit’s slow as hell.

0-60 in 6 seconds? :rofl

For an AWD ‘Sports Car’ that’s pretty pathetic for this day and age.

What the hell makes you think it would be stock?

Well obviously it wouldn’t be stock for long, it’s just disappointing to me I guess.

It’s still a VW.
Nothing they make is crazy fast.
Or regular fast.

Glad we can all admit that now.

I’m still waiting to hear one redeeming quality about VWs…


They are very safe in a frontal collision.

its not that hard to be intimate with a car…

Which is why JClark’s dildo shift knob always smells like bitter sour ass.

Dildo shift knobs should smell like vagoo not ass.

Your doing it wrong.

HE’s doing it wrong.

WHAT!!! That shit’s in my toolbox right now!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwww… :rofl