Christmas shopping; only 28 days left!

Here it comes again…

PLEASE try to shop at local shops and buy goods and services from the USA.
PLEASE do not buy ANYTHING at WalMart.
PLEASE do not buy anything made in China.
Buy gift cerificates from local resturants, car washes, dry cleaners, message, golf, ski pass, Innovative, whatever.
It counts more now than ever.
By purchasing local gifts you will spread the Christmas cheer to more than just the receiver of the gift.:slight_smile:



I agree.

Now if only there were ANY consumer electronics made in the USA…

I am all done shopping less one thing i need to pick up in 3 weeks… but to let you know i did all my shopping at walmart (just for you)…

and you prob have stock in walmart for all we know…:tinfoilhat:


Psh, he keeps all his money in gold bars built into secret compartments of his new house


I do all my shopping online as I refuse to go into the store. I even buy my wrapping paper offline. I can’t stand Christmas shopping.

I’ll try to buy from local online stores as much as I can though.

global economy

good deal. the only problem is, almost everything now made in China.

fuck that im going to china directly

^where 1 pair of jeans == $1 or less.


Even with some of the ignorant posts - BUMP.

I only buy from Afghanistan :tup:

Some of the quality American made electronics you can buy are on display in this this PSA about the upcoming digital TV transition.

fuck! that is all the time i have left? !

If someone bought me a christmas gift from walmart I would punch them in the face.

I on the other hand am giving everyone I know Chinese Yen for Christmas in hopes they support sweat shops and mass produced goods that are cheap.

Well hrmm this is tough cause I am going to be buying my quality plasma/lcd tv from a foreign manufacturer, but at the same rate I will very likely be buying it from Stereo Advantage.

So am I neutral?