***Come play GTR2 ***

version 1.1.0

If you didn’t download and install the latest patch from Simbin, you won’t see the server.

Search this thread for the particulars, I can’t remember which page the link was on.

My collection has grown to over 215 new car liveries (not counting multi-car teams), and 57 tracks (not counting the multiple layouts available for some tracks).

I’m going to attempt to stop downloading long enough to burn a few DVDs of it all.

I’m going to attempt to stop downloading long enough to burn a few DVDs of it all.[/QUOTE]

well then hook a brother up with some data.

when this happens let me know, ill throw you a couple of bucks for a DVD full of add ons

I’ve been out of the loop for a bit but finally got everything back up and running. I might be in for some hot orange TVR racing. :slight_smile:

Bump, not sure if there are any Steam users in here but they are doing a trial of SimBin’s newest game Race - The WTCC Game starts tomarrow.

Starts tomorrow? The demo has been out or a couple of months now. From what I’ve read, response has been underwhelming. People aren’t too happy about the game being done through Steam, either, but since I never jumped on the CS bandwagon I’ve never had any experience with Steam.

It’s not a demo. It’s a full version you can play for a few days until they turn it off. I’ve aware of the demo being out.

At first I hated steam, but now I’ve become quite fond of it. Mainly not needing CDs is very nice. Can just go somewhere with an internet connection download and play.

I thought the problem with steam is it does not allow the use of mods which for the most part is what makes the racing games so much fun

Server updated with a BAJILION tracks and cars. FTP to follow, or contact neuro, he might burn you a DVD (yeah, DV fucking D) if you ask real nice.

Oooooooo, starting on nights again soon. I’ll probably start playing again.

Yeah, PM me if you need a DVD, maybe I can arrange a weekend meet at Mighty to distribute the stuff.

Did you install Daytona 24 hour on the server?

That would be incorrect, keep in mind most of the games on Steam can be modified. They even give you the tools to do so most of the time.

(Ex. Half-Life 1/2, XpandRally, and just about any FPS on the platform.)

You guys are going to love this spoof :slight_smile:

It looks good when it works, that is it. Within one hour of playing I’ve had one crash, three instances of my car model/sounds not loading. And instance of half the track loading.

It’s quite buggy for me and doesn’t have nearly enough to justify the price. The physics engine is quite good though if not a bit better in some aspects as it add a lot of life to the “slow” cars.

What’s it spoofing exactly? Gran Turismo? :gotme:

yes, GT3. You didn’t catch how he did the ground shots, and the video syncing + the same music?

Edit: You didn’t have GT3, did you neuro…

I have GT3, but I haven’t even thought about it in at least two years. The only thing that tipped me off is the Lenny Kravitz tune that GT3 made me thoroughly sick of. That and the fact that I don’t think I watched the intro, ever…

8pm at Mighty tonight (1/20/07), for anyone who wants the DVD of addons… please reply here so I know how many to bring.

Bump If someone could be so kind as to PM me the password to the server.