COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

I’ve come to the conclusion I’m probably never leaving the USA again, which I’m fine with.


This is today. At least the article acknowledges it but certainly this is not a covid death at all and pretty much anyone near death would test positive with the current means of PCR testing.

oh goodness, they dont even have to go to war with the west, you just hit us with incompetent liars for leaders and we go to war with ourselves

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It’s amazing how the fears of losing ones livelihood creates mental distress.

Saw this today and I may be wrong, but isn’t this an add for the move to Florida?
I didn’t think of it, but Florida does seem like a good choice for the 1st state to legalize the purge.

I love that most of the YT comments are like, “Uh, this just makes FL look better honestly”. I watched a couple other of their ads and started to think this was just a viral marketing campaign by DeSantis because they all have that same “not sure if this is really an attack or praise” vibe. I had to dig into it and Remove Ron is a legitimate PAC and run by a true DeSantis hater, Daniel Uhlfelder.

EDIT: Wasn’t just me that felt that way:

a pretty good review of the model being employed:

@bing ring ring :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

yeah honestly, i want to start a thread about the elementary and highschool options in WNY…

Let me know, I have friends in most districts. Don’t be fooled though, some of these “nicer” districts are dealing with some serious behavioral shit, drugs and hiding failing grades. Covid did a real number on students, we aren’t really talking about that though.

im mostly concerned with finding a decent place for my boys where they dont have to wear masks or get needles

I wouldn’t suggest NY then.


So my wife is making some Tombstones for our yard for Halloween. Anyone have any ideas for a covid style tombstone that they feel would be funny or work good with everything going on?

@JayS i know but if we move to WNY i can still pretty much keep up with everything in person in Ontario.

The process of moving to the US is difficult anyways, even though i already have a business and a visa, but going right to FL / TX / CO right off the bat is nearly impossible given the restrictions.

i was hoping there would be the odd charter school with a based administration… no?

Mask mandates are for all schools, public and private.

I fully expect covid vaccine mandates to be added to the current vaccine mandates (MMR etc) for the next school year because the 5-12 will be approved by then.

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Christian Central Academy just got shot down for trying to fight the mask mandate. They’re fairly tiny but I’m pretty sure the message has been received loud and clear.

So is the only option home school?

I mean, my kid is doing awesome at Williamsville South this year after struggling with all the remote BS last year. Grades are all in the mid 90’s, in two different clubs, loved homecoming and has been going to different sporting events. Joining the ski race team too. Zero issues with being sent home to quarantine because of close contact or anything like that. But she’s vax’d and doesn’t have a problem wearing a mask. If you’re adamant anti-vax anti-mask your only real options are homeschool or move to another state.

Going to be interesting to see what comes of this. I know it’s not a very creditable source, but really who is these days. lol

2nd source. Still “conservative leaning”. Of course no one that isn’t conservative leaning is going to publish anything damaging to democrats…

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When (not if) these egotistical shitbags mandate experimental injections as a requirement for attendance, out of school my son goes.

I’m not about to jeopardize his health on the word of maniacal crazed idiots who think the entire fucking planet needs to get jabbed. They can kiss my white, conservative, patriotic ass.

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