COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

Well, just got the word from my mother that she tested positive twice with the take home test. She is now scheduled to go get a PCR test done today. My little man and my wife are now scheduled for Noon today for their PCR testing as they’ve been sick and around my mom last Friday. We will see how this comes back.
They all have been sick for the past few days. I haven’t had any problems… Fingers crossed that stays the same.

Complete BS.
I’m also looking forward to see how my employer plans to roll out our own vax card program.

Found this while looking to find the worlds worst vaccine.
There truly are no new ideas in Hollywood.

Good luck man, hopefully your fam will bounce back quick. My wife is 100% over it. I’m about 99% there, just have a slight cough. My mom is probably about 70%, but she got it much later than Jen and I, likely because I think Jen and I got it at the “vaccine pass required” Holiday Valley Beer and Wine fest, where as my mom got it from us about a week later. My daughter only started having symptoms Saturday and she’s already feeling fine, temp is gone and taste/smell somewhat back.

How long did it take for you to get the PCR tests back? And thank you very much. I’m sure we will be fine. My wife already sounds to be clearing up, my kid seems to be clearing up as well but just a mix of 2 colds it seems like, literally got over one and now had a 2nd cold in less than a week.

We will see.

The story I hear most often is that people are usually fine. Although, if you lose taste/smell it takes several weeks to come back. When ever I start to get the annual sniffles, I load up on airborn for a few days.
Last October when it happened, I had to call a tele-doc to get a prescription for prednisone refilled. That made a world of difference and I felt better by the end of the week than I have in a year. ($75 to get a $2.49 script)

Rite Aid was 2 days, that covid distribution center on Main was less than a day.

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I lost my smell and taste for like 1.5 days. I tried to eat a lot of weird things. I drank some hot sauce the one day. The next day I ate wasabi and could taste it, that was a wake up call.

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HAHAHA The Wasabi would have been a brutal slap in the face if a large enough glob of it. NO thank you.

My wife tried saying she was losing her taste a little and was clogged up so she couldn’t really spell anything, however this usually happens she said when she gets a cold and gets clogged. lol

Is it weird that it’s almost reassuring that we’re all getting COVID and it’s fine? I don’t want anyone getting sick, but getting sick and then proving it’s just a bad flu and moving on kind of proves all of our points, right?

Or am I just an asshole? lol

the folks in my home have been back and forth with seasonal colds.

i just refuse to get sick and havent had any issues.

No, I’ll be honest I’m pretty relieved to have had it now. It was between a bad cold and a mild flu honestly. I do wonder how it would have been had none of us been vaccinated though. Anecdotally the people I’ve known to get it without being vaxed generally had a worse time than the vaxed people. The data seems to back that up as well.


See I’m seeing it both ways, co-workers that were vaccinated having it 7/10 for a few days and then their unvaccinated spouses getting it and being 3-4/10 for a day. Obviously lots of variables, but regardless it seems that “delta” is here but…this is what we’re freaking out about?

Not vax’d neither is my wife. I didn’t miss a single day, one night I woke up and felt warm, kicked off the blankets and went back to bed. The next morning I went hiking with my kids, washed and waxed the truck, put my patio stuff up in the garage loft, and did all the cooking. My wife also not vaxx’d was down for about 3-4 days. 104* fever for a day dropping down to about 100 for a couple days. Wasn’t the worse she’s been sick, but deff in the top worse colds she’s had.

My brother in law and his wife got these rare break through cases and were more sick then I less then my wife. My wife’s uncle was fully vaxxed and died, so there is that one.


We just had a co-worker’s 25 year old boyfriend die suddenly from a heart attack last week. Perfectly healthy, super active (hiking, biking, etc). I have no way of knowing, nor will I be asking, but I wonder if he was recently vaccinated or boosted.

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this doesnt really just happen without the vax. sorry to say.


My wife took my daughter for a rapid PCR just before thanksgiving as she had a sniffle and we were headed to Philly for 5 days for a dance thing for her.

They billed insurance $515.38, ins paid $267.44, we paid $0.

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But… the un-vaccinated are destroying the medical system.

They should all have to pay 100% so that I only my 7k/year shitty healthcare costs don’t go up more than the annual 3-5%.

Money and power is what this has been since the get go. Every single aspect was designed to extract as much money as possible. Experiment went from I need it = they’re asking me to get it = my job gone if I don’t get it = you need one more shot = you need ongoing boosters with every variant. The money never stops rolling in and they set the stage for the show everytime the last act loses its luster.

When was the last time so many people cared so much about YOUR health? If this virus was so bad, people would be kneecapping each other to get a jab. All they want to talk about are CASES. Not death rates. Not one person in the MSM has stepped up to say “it’s really not that bad”. Soon as the words leave their mouth the pink slipped drops in their hand.

Omnitron wasn’t even widespread yet and people shit themselves trying to prevent getting it. Turns out it’s the nothing burger those not in the brainwashing division told everyone it would be.

I’m amazed at the number of intelligent people I’ve met who were happy to let someone experiment on them with no hesitancy. Many others obviously to keep their jobs and even some that “just wanted to be able to go to concerts” and “do things again”.

The only teller of the tale is going to be TIME. No one can predict the future. Half of me wants it to be totally benign. The other half wants peoples skin to peel off, so the ones that march around like they’re someone special because they got jabbed, will finally shut the fuck up.

This is never going away. It will get less and less virulent until it becomes another common cold like the Spanish Flu…but not before the right people make all the money they can.

It kind of sounds like omicron is basically a cold… that would be nice

Only thing i’ll add to this is that when you say money, it is really being used as the catalyst/justification to print as much new money as possible and distrbute it as narrowly as possible through Govt and Pharmaco’s.

they have throttled the private sector to a degree i never would have htought possible and rebuilt the false-economy (from a GDP perspective) around price inflation, testing and vaccination and all of the inter-related activities.

i cannot imagine what happens when the testing and vaccination slows, if it ever does, and we have to look back at actual market-driven economic activity.

i would not be surprised that, if one could extract new money and hte related inflation from GDP if both the US and CDN economies have shrunk by 20% or more. I say that because hte money supplies have gone up by more than 20% in each case and the “growth” (aka inflation) has not exceeded the increase in money supply.

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