COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

i wouldnt say that. it’s such a weird spot to be in. can’t talk about it without upsetting many reasonable folks.

Was gaming last night and a dude that i game with weekly just has a funeral for his 40 year old brother… died suddenly last week. shit is fucked.

i hope all of the people who stood their ground are succesful in their lawsuits. i know they are doing well in the US but not so well up here.

Unless people’s have an issue with it, i intend to continue to share the emerging data here.

that study with the autopsies showing 75% of post-vax deaths were vax related is quite damning.

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Is your life worth that? Is becoming disabled or bedridden…or dead…worth that. If it is to you then fine. It isnt to me. Stock options and 401k’s are useless inside a coffin.

Those who let the hospitals (aka the government) do what they did to families allowed it to happen…every fucking one of them. Few pushed back and rhe rest were nothing but followers. Had people done the right thing and told them to fuck off it would never have been allowed.

I guarantee neither one of you will step back, think about it, and say “y’know, he’s right”.

Guy in C7 convertible just drove by wearing a mask lol couldn’t get a pic fast enough


I’m not saying it was right what happened or anything of that nature. I’m saying my friend (who is in his 70s btw) wanted to see his son for potentially the last time. If he tried fighting the hospital on it, his most likely outcome was getting trespassed and/or arrested for disturbing the peace. All the fighting he could have done would have resulted in him not seeing his son.

Gun, I’d walk in with a gun and tell them I’m seeing my son and we are leaving.

Yup, wife and I talked about it. I’d give up my job, sure I’d have to sell a few things, Viper and M3 might go, but we’d be fine. I’d rather be around to see my kids poor then dead.

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And again end up in jail in that situation and I don’t think he’d be able to feasibly take his son who was hooked up to life support at the time.

You would need a decent sized group of people with guns to maybe get out of there but again, not with someone on life support.

I don’t want you guys to think I’m arguing what was right, simply that it wasn’t just a “Nope not getting jabbed” type situation.

Everyone has their own reasons, I think we all understand that. If I was 70 years old and they said I couldn’t see my son, I’d drive my truck through the building first. If you say masks work, ok I’ll put a mask on and we good right? Otherwise fuck off, or just lie and say you have the jab.

I’d 100% quit a job I otherwise enjoy and live on the street first. I grew up poor, I’ll figure things out. You don’t NEED a company car, loads of money and a plush 401K in the grave.


I did have a job situation where my company is charging me (to this day) 3x my normal health insurance rate because I’m not jabbed. I threatened to leave due to this and my VP gave me a raise to not only offset the increase but also money on top of that.

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Big difference is at the time my son was just born and the need for income and for the unknown on the effects of my child getting it. My wife also in the healthcare field had to get it also. There’s a lot of people that said they would quit bla bla bla. Guess what they didn’t because we needed jobs and money to live. Do I regret getting it, sure I do like many others. I do my part and keep my health in check. I highly doubt anyone would quit both their and spouses jobs at the same time and have nothing. Risk everything you’ve worked for taken away and start over. Especially at the time when 75%+ of the world was shut down.

Depends on how you live. I position myself where I don’t NEED my job. I do understand that everyone is different however. Also its a risk reward thing. If you didn’t think it would be a big deal, why not get the jab, I understand that. I have this stupid thing about me where when someone tries to get me to do something, I basically won’t ever listen lol. My wife stays at home and we had a kid in 20 right during it all. I’d sell my house and everything I owned but my family would still be eating.

Some people have stronger takes on things. The day my work tells me to do xxx I don’t feel comfortable with I’m going to leave. My last job asked me to lie to a customer, I didn’t and I got a new job. Pretty simple stuff.

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I had friends, specifically ones that I wouldn’t believe would do this, that tried for hours to convince me to get jabbed. These are conservative voting friends and would not take the research I was doing on the jab into account.

I appreciated their concern for my health but I was dumbfounded at how hard they were pushing the conversation with me. I think the biggest problem was the lack of information or, more appropriately, how suppressed information was on the jab. They wouldn’t listen when I talked about how pfizer was fighting to have their test results suppressed for 75 years (maybe it was 50? something like that).

The sheep mentality was astounding.

I had a 30-45 minute conversation about it with my primary care doctor. He didn’t have any supporting information (hard data) that showed it was helpful. That alone was enough for me to know it was mostly bullshit at the start.


Believe me I thought long and hard about it and in that current situation it was worth the risk. I haven’t had any side effects yet besides conveniently getting Covid a few weeks after the jab after not getting it at all before. That is when I began to regret getting it. With all the information that came to light as time goes on. Probably the dumbest decision I’ve made. Can’t go back now. Is what it is.

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It is unfortunate regarding the information available and lack of such presented to the public. My mom got it done (works at a healthcare facility) and she won’t even hold a conversation with me about it. In the end, it worries me what could happen to my friends/family with it. If my mom passes from a heart condition, I consider the jab the cause as no history of heart disease, non-smoker, only drinks wine from time to time etc.

It sucks and the public was deceived IMO

Im glad my company abandoned any planto require it.

They were nice enough to let me travel all trhlugh the south during peak scam season too.

I miss empty airports and lets of open seats on planes.

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are you guys seeing died suddenlies around you yet?

Every time i chat with a like-minded person i hear of more. spoke to my cousin today and a former colleauge as well as a guy i grew up playing baseball with both died in the last 3 weeks in the typical way. called to tell my brother about it and he mentioned another died suddenly, another dude we grew up with, that died the same day as baseball dude.

not sure if i mentioned it but a dude i game with fairly often, his brother died suddenly 2 weeks ago too.

we cant escape it up here… you dudes?

of course there are these headlines from the last couple days:

It’s a common occurence but no on wants to talk about it (admit) its happening.

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I dont have any friends, so i have not lost anyone in at least 20 years.

Kidding aside, there have not been many people i k ow that died suddenly.