COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

She turns my stomach

I mean I’d def do her unless she was SO annoying that I couldn’t

I’m pretty sure I could put up with a lot for a billion dollars.

I don’t know a ton about her other than my daughter playing her music constantly but she did give all the truckers on her Eras tour 6 figure bonuses which made me respect her a bit.

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If it makes him feel better Philly still probably marked him as a covid death…

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i am also not upset by this.

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Theyre still peddling the lies & bullshit…

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

  • Heart disease: 695,547
  • Cancer: 605,213
  • COVID-19: 416,893
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399

When the number was 2XX,XXX I did a deep dive into the stats straight from the CDC. At the time, the Covid deaths had an average of 2-3 comorbidities. These included “intentional or unintentional injury” i.e. suicide lol. It was such a joke when I looked through it. I was going to list everything I found but fun fact, looks like faceshit deleted my post.

Edit: I lied, I searched my posts a different way and found it… here is what I posted:

"Here is a reminder that only 6% of this ~220K+ number you keep hearing on the news was specifically due to the virus. Please note that you have not heard much of anything about the flu killing anyone this year, yet it was a comorbidity on nearly 96K of that 220K number. Hell there was even nearly 8K that had “Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events” as a comorbidity (do you really think those 8K died of the virus or maybe, justtttt maybe it was from the comorbidity). Once again, don’t be sheep. Straight from the CDC. I can put together some much more interesting stats when I factor in age groups and other supposed associated factors. Straight quote “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” That’s right, 2.6 ADDITIONAL conditions that are important enough to have their own ICD10 codes.
I’m not downplaying that this could and has caused the deaths of individuals, what I am saying is that this repetitive stat of 220K+ is highly inflated and being used for partisan premises.
I’ll enjoy this one being censored, that’s how I know I’m providing something important. Read up kiddies "

And one of the links I was using which has now been archived


i use the 95% reduction of official stats as well. You’ll find that it applies to pretty much everything not just covid deaths. As in, 95% of anything is agit-prop with enough 5% truth baked-in to make it defensible.

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for future reference

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Dr. Speicher is a close friend of mine. Our kids go to the same elementary school and he’s on the parent counsel with my wife. he’s been fired 5 times from jobs for telling the truth.

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Well if something happens to me I’ll let you guys know lol

A little deeper on this

“Pharmacists were telling us, this doesn’t work,” Hatton said.

Approved for use nearly a century ago, phenylephrine is listed as an ingredient in pills, syrups and liquids such as Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain, Flonase Headache & Allergy Relief, and DayQuil Cold & Flu.

But studies over the years have shown that it is not more effective to clear nasal congestion than a placebo when taken orally. Scientists believe that is partly because almost all of it is inactivated in the gut and liver before it reaches the bloodstream.

Update on the Speicher et al study re: dna contamination in the vaccines.

Having lunch with him now.

The study has been viewed 100x more in 1 week than most studies get ever.

Hes going to cali for a month now to work with another team to prove dna integration as a follow up to the above study.

I did notice my penis is about 2 feet longer than usual after receiving the vaccine.

Pics or it didnt happen.


Took the words right out of my mouth

Welp… i guess im a full-on anti vaxxer now… not just covid poison.


we stopped most after our first, its crazy

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