crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

Theres pretty much NONE of this going on in the CPD. I got pulled over 2 weeks ago yet again for my red angel eyes before I got rid of them as I was headed to the gym… Colonie pd was headed AWAY from the gym as I was headed TOWARDS the gym… After I got my ticket RIGHT where the cop JUST passed was a 4 man brawl right by lanies… Scumbag peice of shit can see my angel eyes but cant see a fight about the start… im sure the fight started with confrentation and right where the cop had to pass to pull me over.

I heart these rant threads. I drive a stupid loud red honda. I have always shown respect to any officer that has stopped me. Not a single ticket in that car, in nine years. If you show respect and that your not some flatbrim wearing douche of a kid that feels entitled because the cops single you out, you will be just fine.

easy right??

I almost NEVER mention my father being an undercover officer. Only when they ask me about why the vehicle isnt registered to my name and the significanse of the police union stickers etc.

No offense bro, but maybe its BECAUSE you drive a “stupid red honda” they dont care about you? You ever think about that? IMO its the people who are doing or LOOK like there doing good that they bust balls with… My bmw has over 100k on the dash meaning its not a million dollar car like they think, do you understand how many dog damned times I get pulled over and I know for a FACT JUST becuase im a younger guy driving that vehicle? The first 3 questions I get asked ALWAYS are “is this your vehicle? Is it registered and insured to you? Do you have any drugs in the car” Those 3 questions are ALWAYS first. I ALWAYS used to give respect when getting pulled over and got shit on in return, now, I tell them give me my motherfucking ticket you pig motherfucker. Got something like that on tape if you dont believe me lol (thought i was gonna get arrested the other day so I taped me counting my money incase I got arrested and they tried to rob me again)

Maybe its your attitude that gets ya nailed? Ever think of that?

Nooooo. Couldnt be.

NO… like I said, before they knew of me I gave 100% respect, “yes sir, no sir, thank you sir… if you could help me out by not giving me a ticket i would really apprechiate it sir”… That got me no where. They all know me now and act like its a game when they pull me over, NOW its DEF my attitude.

So much truth in this. I’ve only ever been given two tickets, one was bullshit. The cop had a rookie with him and was trying to impress him or whatever, total dickhead. The other time it was for a bald tire after I totaled my car. Not really necessary, but it was legitimate. Both times I got a COD.

I’ve been pulled over a LOT more than two times. Once last week for not having my ten day in the windshield since I have no tape and it’ll blow away… Sitting in a car with a rollbar, in a racing seat, wearing a 5 point harness. Cop was cool, could have given me a ticket. Didn’t.

St patty’s day I got pulled over for a loud exhaust. Explained to the cop it had broken trying to back over a ton of ice/snow. Cop was cool, let me go.

I got pulled over about 5-6 times towards the end of last summer for having an exhaust that was way too loud. (straight pipe) Every time I was respectful to the cop, told them I didn’t realize it would be as loud as it turned out to be. They told me to get it fixed and let me go.

I’ve been pulled over 20+ times and I’ve gotten a ticket twice. Don’t be a dick to the cop. Call him officer, sir, don’t feed him bullshit, turn your radio off, tell him when you’re reaching for anything anywhere. Cops aren’t the assholes everyone makes them out to be 95% of the time.

Hope you didnt write out the plea to them.

Well there is what you physically say, and your demeanor, which plays a big role as well. Also asking to get out of a ticket is usually frowned upon lol.

I get asked the same three questions. I drove a ford escort with a fucked up rear end and now I drive a miata. It’s pretty standard questioning. If you ask to get out of it they’ll give it to you too. Don’t expect anything and don’t request anything. Take when comes.

BTW, we all told you that you’d get nailed for those ridiculous red angel eyes. I 100% agree with them pulling you over for them. It’s very clear that you can’t have red lights on the front of your vehicle.

Got pulled over the day I bought my e39 in schenectady, was doing like 68mpg in a 40 I believe, asked the cop nicely you help me out I really cant get another ticket, he hooked me up no problem… Pulled over doing 82 near coxsackie told the cop the same thing, he said if your license isnt suspended no problem, hooked me up, no ticket. Colonie??? I wont even fucking ask anymore, fuck you fagget, give me my ticket, and let me be on my god damn way.

I get asked those questions too, I even was asked if I was in the military once.

But let’s honestly look at your situation. I’m not trying to piss you off or call you an idiot for your dilemma. Bright red lights in your headlamps will attract police attention, especially in NY where red lights represent police as well as fire, which is probably why he asked you if you were impersonating a police officer. Yea, sure it’s a stupid law you can’t have any color light anywhere on your car but it’s probably because of the assfuck that decided he was going to pull women over one night to rape/kill them, that’s probably one reason.

I got 12 tickets for the angel eyes… Can you guess how many by Colonie?.. ALL of them. If that doesnt say CPD arent dickheads idk what does.

Dude, your def not pissing me off I just wish you could see the angel eyes!!! During the day when lights arent even nessisary why should I get pulled over? And at noight when the headlights are on you cant even see the red from the angel eyes!!!

Ive driven throuh colonie to and from the lot speeding with my angle eyes on with not a lick of trouble.

Dude don’t you LIVE in colonie? Or have a business there? If that is where you’re driving then there is no surprise that you have trouble there. They see you every day.

CPD are not dickheads. Truth

Not anymore, I go to the gym and back and that is my only business in colonie and still I get pulled over. When I live in Colonie I drove from Albany shaker to i87 and thats it and got all of my tickets like that. 2 of the tickets I got pulled over where in my own damn driveway!!! He said he “saw me driving around with them on”