crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

Pjb vs love4boost

:lol everytime i get pulled over they ask me if i got weapons in the car

wtffffffff cops?

I’m always chill tho and they let me go on like EVERYTHING, 90 on a 55 once on 87 and the fucked up part was I was almost gonna jet but i pulled over

I noticed colonie cops copin some DICK attitude tho, i never been pulled by them, actually ya once and they gave me a license plate bulb ticket in an '80 benz lololololol

hahah you ever think that you’ve made a bad name for yourself? Hence the reason why they think your a piece of shit and pull you over all the time? Chances are they fuck with you case they know you and have ran into you numerous times. I live in colonie and have both of my vehicles tinted and bright ass hids and never get bothered. There’s a ton of colonie cops, if they are all out to get you, sorry bro there must be a reason.


I have plenty of friends and acquaintances that are cops who wont fuck people over if they are reasonable to them. Its all your attitude towards them and from seeing how love4boost acts I would ticket him every time I saw him too just because he acts like a fucking jerk off. I have never been written a ticket I did not deserve even if it was some thing as stupid as window tint. Dont break the law and you have nothing to worry about.

OP is a clown for starting this stupid thread and love4cock is a tool because he drives like a fucking ass bag anyways.

oh he does… he does !

ive yet to have a bad experience with a cop. if i got ticketed i deserved it. only one i had a problem with was a colonie cop who tried to put me at fault for getting rear ended on route 9 when the roads were covered in 3 inches of snow and the person behind me had no snow tires, he attempted to place me at fault but ultimately declared it no fault because of the awful road conditions, but the womans insurance covered my damages

In Soviet Shift, Shift is the Government.

my attorney advised me to mount a camera in my car for recording purposes :eek

Really… whered you go to highschool?

Just don’t do it in other states

In response to a flood of Facebook and YouTube videos that depict police abuse, a new trend in law enforcement is gaining popularity. In at least three states, it is now illegal to record any on-duty police officer.

Even if the encounter involves you and may be necessary to your defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists.

The legal justification for arresting the “shooter” rests on existing wiretapping or eavesdropping laws, with statutes against obstructing law enforcement sometimes cited. Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maryland are among the 12 states in which all parties must consent for a recording to be legal unless, as with TV news crews, it is obvious to all that recording is underway. Since the police do not consent, the camera-wielder can be arrested. Most all-party-consent states also include an exception for recording in public places where “no expectation of privacy exists” (Illinois does not) but in practice this exception is not being recognized.

Massachusetts attorney June Jensen represented Simon Glik who was arrested for such a recording. She explained, “[T]he statute has been misconstrued by Boston police. You could go to the Boston Common and snap pictures and record if you want.” Legal scholar and professor Jonathan Turley agrees, “The police are basing this claim on a ridiculous reading of the two-party consent surveillance law - requiring all parties to consent to being taped. I have written in the area of surveillance law and can say that this is utter nonsense.”

The courts, however, disagree. A few weeks ago, an Illinois judge rejected a motion to dismiss an eavesdropping charge against Christopher Drew, who recorded his own arrest for selling one-dollar artwork on the streets of Chicago. Although the misdemeanor charges of not having a peddler’s license and peddling in a prohibited area were dropped, Drew is being prosecuted for illegal recording, a Class I felony punishable by 4 to 15 years in prison.

In 2001, when Michael Hyde was arrested for criminally violating the state’s electronic surveillance law - aka recording a police encounter - the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld his conviction 4-2. In dissent, Chief Justice Margaret Marshall stated, “Citizens have a particularly important role to play when the official conduct at issue is that of the police. Their role cannot be performed if citizens must fear criminal reprisals….” (Note: In some states it is the audio alone that makes the recording illegal.)

The selection of “shooters” targeted for prosecution do, indeed, suggest a pattern of either reprisal or an attempt to intimidate.

Glik captured a police action on his cellphone to document what he considered to be excessive force. He was not only arrested, his phone was also seized.

On his website Drew wrote, “Myself and three other artists who documented my actions tried for two months to get the police to arrest me for selling art downtown so we could test the Chicago peddlers license law. The police hesitated for two months because they knew it would mean a federal court case. With this felony charge they are trying to avoid this test and ruin me financially and stain my credibility.”

Hyde used his recording to file a harassment complaint against the police. After doing so, he was criminally charged.

In short, recordings that are flattering to the police - an officer kissing a baby or rescuing a dog - will almost certainly not result in prosecution even if they are done without all-party consent. The only people who seem prone to prosecution are those who embarrass or confront the police, or who somehow challenge the law. If true, then the prosecutions are a form of social control to discourage criticism of the police or simple dissent.

A recent arrest in Maryland is both typical and disturbing.

On March 5, 24-year-old Anthony John Graber III’s motorcycle was pulled over for speeding. He is currently facing criminal charges for a video he recorded on his helmet-mounted camera during the traffic stop.

The case is disturbing because:

  1. Graber was not arrested immediately. Ten days after the encounter, he posted some of he material to YouTube, and it embarrassed Trooper J. D. Uhler. The trooper, who was in plainclothes and an unmarked car, jumped out waving a gun and screaming. Only later did Uhler identify himself as a police officer. When the YouTube video was discovered the police got a warrant against Graber, searched his parents’ house (where he presumably lives), seized equipment, and charged him with a violation of wiretapping law.
  1. Baltimore criminal defense attorney Steven D. Silverman said he had never heard of the Maryland wiretap law being used in this manner. In other words, Maryland has joined the expanding trend of criminalizing the act of recording police abuse. Silverman surmises, “It’s more [about] ‘contempt of cop’ than the violation of the wiretapping law.”
  1. Police spokesman Gregory M. Shipley is defending the pursuit of charges against Graber, denying that it is “some capricious retribution” and citing as justification the particularly egregious nature of Graber’s traffic offenses. Oddly, however, the offenses were not so egregious as to cause his arrest before the video appeared.

Almost without exception, police officials have staunchly supported the arresting officers. This argues strongly against the idea that some rogue officers are overreacting or that a few cops have something to hide. “Arrest those who record the police” appears to be official policy, and it’s backed by the courts.

Carlos Miller at the Photography Is Not A Crime website offers an explanation: “For the second time in less than a month, a police officer was convicted from evidence obtained from a videotape. The first officer to be convicted was New York City Police Officer Patrick Pogan, who would never have stood trial had it not been for a video posted on Youtube showing him body slamming a bicyclist before charging him with assault on an officer. The second officer to be convicted was Ottawa Hills (Ohio) Police Officer Thomas White, who shot a motorcyclist in the back after a traffic stop, permanently paralyzing the 24-year-old man.”

When the police act as though cameras were the equivalent of guns pointed at them, there is a sense in which they are correct. Cameras have become the most effective weapon that ordinary people have to protect against and to expose police abuse. And the police want it to stop.

Happily, even as the practice of arresting “shooters” expands, there are signs of effective backlash. At least one Pennsylvania jurisdiction has reaffirmed the right to video in public places. As part of a settlement with ACLU attorneys who represented an arrested “shooter,” the police in Spring City and East Vincent Township adopted a written policy allowing the recording of on-duty policemen.

As journalist Radley Balko declares, “State legislatures should consider passing laws explicitly making it legal to record on-duty law enforcement officials.”

Wendy McElroy is the author of several books on anarchism and feminism. She maintains the iconoclastic website as well as an active blog at

i cant read all that… but thats bs… if its public area u should be able to record anything u want

Can’t or won’t :lol

i was just giving my personal experience with cops. i guess im not as lucky as some of you but to me cops act like bullies. they try to find something wrong but never can. my local police are great guys but they see me everyday. and i never had a bad experence in troy ever. i guess i was in wrong place at wrong time because i play by the rules and i obey laws. but ill get pulled over for no reason. and it happened so much i got fed up with it and i started to take action by taping conversatins with officers in uniform. i know we need police. but we need good cops not bad ones and bad ones are out there. and i would never try to get someone in trouble unless they caused trouble with me. i dont pick out people im just saying cops did these things. i cant change what has happend. and just because your a cop doesnt mean i dislike you. i just am weary of cops and i question alot of things and they never want to answer my questions but they try to make me answer there questions. and ask any law student if they converse with cops in uniform.

and yes im aware govt watches everything not just shift.

cops do great things everyday. but they also do bad things if we taped every officer you would see. and if they do nothing but good they should go along with every cop having pov cameras.

is example of what can and did happen. and think of what we didnt find out?

and cops that do good are proud people and im not calling all cops bad. iconrad your prolly a great guy but these video are just there to remind the people that it can happen and we should learn from past by making it harder getting in acemedy.

and remember it can happen to the best of them. some cops lack self control

You never get pulled over for “no reason”

There is always a reason they pick your car out of others.

What does the Mafia Hitman cops have to do with anything? Think didnt kill every person they pulled over and they acted just like every other cop would, maybe even nicer.

And gov’t watches Shift? :facepalm I can’t even get the locals to do that.

as long as its legal to record in duanesburg thats all i need, i dont have problems out of state, its just the NYST

Radar detector?

lets face it , NOONE IS INNOCENT . we have all drove to fast , passed when not allowed , thrown shit out the window , etc and just not got caught . butttttttt when ya do get yanked for doin 5 over the limit ya bitch lololol . people amaze me