crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

you write it, i will negotiate publishing deals.

Ruin my day? By what, stepping on the break when im 20 ft behind you at 3mph? Yeah, I def woulda hit you lol…

3mph isnt obeying the law either… and werent you just street racing last night you fucking tool peice of shit? Worry about yourself you turd

Turd? Im not not the bitching and moaning about the cops hate me and abuse me. You cry like a little fucking pussy on here about it. If i got in trouble id of deserved it, unlike you who never does. All ive heard about you is youre a dirty fucking scumbag con artist. No one likes you on here, take your peice of shit cars and drown yourself in the hudson you cock bag.

dude, havent I made it apparent that making friends is not something I care about? I make friends with people who dont talk shit without knowing who I am… if you can talk shit about me without being able to pick me out of a crowd of people why do I want to get along with you? NOW, if I personally know someone and they talk shit, then I may try and work things out… Only reason I personally talk shit is becuase I wont sit on a forum being talked about without saying something back. If you look far far back, you will never find me being the instigator in any situation…

Take mk30r for example… I came onto this forum and posted dyno sheets to a car I bought from a dealership that were given to me… Without knowing who I am this chode comes at me calling me all types of names and that im a liar and posted dyno sheets from a website??

Sad part is… He knew where I bought the car from and was supposively friends with the person but YET too scared to call him up and ask if he sold me the car with dyno sheets. HAD HE DONE SO, his “FRIEND” would have confirmed that he DID give me dyno sheets that were supposively again given from the previous owner and he could have avoided me hacving a life of HATE towards him… not that he cares obviously…

Bitching and moaning? This is a forum your fucking idiot lol… You type about things… I didnt start the thread, I contributed to it just like a million other people… Cry like a pussy? Im pretty sure I was sharing my stories which is what 5490537-025-434057350934953 other members on here do… Im pretty sure I never even plead not guilty to any of my tickets and shut my mouth and paid them… Again… tell me how im crying? lol… Im glad your one of the people that would be happy in jail for murder when you did nothing, cuz im sure as hell not… Not even gonna break a sweat with your nonsense becuase at the end of the day, your a bitch and would never say the things you say to me on the internet in person.

I would gladly say it to you in person. I could care less. Again, no one here likes you. You are a con artist scammer joke. Do everyone a favor and just stop. The only thing youre good for here is to laugh AT with fucking fat nasty girls, driving cheap junk cars and being a pathetic loser.

Last time I checked, i only had a problem with a few members on here… I sold signh a tv, hes happy with it and might be putting a pepsi machine at his studio, krazykid has helped me look at vehicle so i didnt buy a roach, pretty sure he doesnt have a problem with me, Nick Alero came over to my house and drive my e90 to the shift meet pretty sure he has no problems with me, Nedz32 has been my workout partner for the last yr and we chill often, lski bought s2000 seats from me, shook my hand when done and was happy with transaction, I met up with deadbeattrec a while ago to check out a diamond he was selling and occasionally ask him about deiting and what not, he doesnt tell me to fuck off, iom g8 gt almost bought my red bmw and I used to know his brother kyle, no beef between us Chris Cossey I had a little problem with a while ago but we determined the problem and now are cool, frank underboosted has helped me tow my s2000 to the salvage inspection and helped me tow various other vehicles in the past within minutes of calling him, no problems with him… Im not gonna sit here all night and explain the relationship i have with shift members but please inform me on who this EVERY BODY is?? And I would REALLY like to meet up…like asap and hear you talk to me the way you are on here…

Good for you. Im glad youve found friends on the internet. Youre quite the tough guy, you wanna meet up? For what? You wanna make out or something?


<Hates you dave :tongue

Wait wait… You just said no one likes me? So why are you glad I have friends on the internet when you just said everyone hates me???

And I would like to take my mino video camera as I step out of my car and later post the bitch that you really are here on shift… Becuase I PROMISE you, you wont say AAANNYYTHHINGG that youve been saying tonight. NO, im not tough… your just a bitch is all… Go ahead though, bitch out like others have in the past after you just said youd be happy to meet lol.

oh how could I forget jay!! WTFF…

I bought jay and everyone pizza at kohls becuase I HATTEEEE them!!! And we met up a few weeks ago to take pictures of eachothers cars so we could later burn them!!!

:rofl yeah. Meet up with you to fight you. Im not 15 years old, big guy. You really wanna do that i promise you youd regret it horribly, because as corey found out the other night no matter what it is, i go above and beyond and dont lose. Unless racing drew on spray.

We wouldnt fight becuase youd keep your mouth shut… im sure of it… But I take that as bitching out as I thought you would… Why did you say you would have no problem saying it to my face though but now changing your mind??? And also, what happened to everyone hating me? Becuase your 3-4 friends hate me everyone does??? lolol. What a joke you are

I am not going out of my way to meet up with you, youre a tool. If i see you out sometime or somewhere i will gladly repeat all this to you. I have better shitnto do than run my mouth to you. You wouldnt do jack shit anyway and if you did have anything happen youd use your camera to run to the police as evidence. All theyd be seeing is your colon.

Nobody crossed the line yet but it’s borderline.

Both of you watch what you say or youll get a time out for 3 days.

Nothing personal but throwing the warning out now.

Me call cops? lol, you DEF dont know me

First you tell me every1 here hates me, then you tell me your happy i have friends

you tell me im an idiot and to follow the law but have youtube videos of yourself from YESTERDAY street racing.

you tell me you have no problem meeting up with me to tell me what your telling me now but now say you have better things to do

seriously, do you even think be4 you write this shit? LOLOL… im cracking up over here

lol might as well end convo now deathbyrt = bitch as expected

seriously dont respond anymore, you just look retarded.

Yeah, i look retarded. Because i wont meet up with you and tell you youre a pathetic no one. You obviously didnt understand what i meant when i said maybe thats why you have trouble with the law. Which is a good observation on my behalf and again like i said, if i was caught last night id of deserved the consequences. You also seem to understand sarcasm very well. <- sarcasm. Good luck on your next life fail weither it be your vending “business”, selling lemon cars or being a theif. Whatever it is you may do. You wanna neet up? Be my guesy to come to New Paltz because thats where i am dingleberry. You just went on this shit list of a LOT more police officers, good job! :wink:

yea yea yea, go fuck your sister inbred