Dear all Taurus SHO haters:

the exterior too. minus the steering wheel though.

anyway, Ford’s definitely going to the right direction…

Seats don’t look like they would hold you in well and are probably mushy… the gauges would look better as a single opening, the three deep ones seem annoying. and the steering wheel. Other than that, thumbs up.

Those last photos don’t look too bad.

DETROIT – Ford Motor Co. hopes to bust the Taurus’ sleepy, old-man image by resurrecting the SHO name and packing a 365-hp V-6 under the hood.
Nice drivetrain… still looks like an old mans car though.

nearly 2 years ago ford contacted the owner or SHO club and asked him to pick a few people to go to a round tabe meeting with ford to discuss what we wanted in a new SHO… ford asked for a few people and ended up with over 30 people walking in the door. many of those people were invited back to the event below

ford has also stated that IF sales do well then a manual will be added to the lineup in a few years.

can’t wait to drive one!

just some new info and pics

Interior looks great, reminds me of audis design. 365 HP is no joke. 38K pricetag is ridiculous, Im sure with a-plan & incentives i could get one for 28 which wouldnt be too bad.

well this was unexpected. I wonder how this will play out.

Probably with a bunch of stolen parts, complaints to the BBB and a lawsuit.

ECOBOOST!!..thing of he future i guess:cjerk:

365hp… wow… impressive for ford…

This is awesome. I’m really excited to see what this car turns out to be in the end - the final product and seeing it in real life, overall build quality, track #s, etc etc.

38K isn’t cheap by any means, but it’s not rape either…365hp V6TT…it’s not an unreasonable price…

^Word. Let’s give it a chance. People are ripping this thing up and down and it isn’t even out yet. I would love to buy domestic and right now this is the only thing even close to me considering. I hope Ford does it right! Can’t wait to see.
Maybe they are actually taking note that Audi is one of the few car companies increasing sales and profits.

WE used to have the SHO when it first came out. It was nice after all of the slooooow 80s cars but, the torque steer was insane lol.

Sometimes I feel like everyone is so critical of a domestic. If some jap company made this (Legacy GT?), people would be going ballistic on here I bet.

Just my two cents. The old SHO wasn’t a bad car in it’s day. Laughable now maybe, but for it’s time it was a cool car.

Couldn’t they just call it the Ford SHO, like they did with the Dodge SRT-4, dropping the neon name? This thing looks awesome, but the word Taurus is just an instant automotive boner-killer, like meeting a hot chick and then finding out she has the same first name as the nastiest girl in your high school, that’s like forever embedded in your image of that name. All I can think of is this ugly broad.

True that. Remember, this site is made up of a bunch of people that can’t think for themswelves…and are basing their judgements around hear-say from the other idiots, before they’ve even seen the car in person, let alone drive it.

In regards to the SHO, it’s biggest fault was the fact that it was based off of a standard Taurus that never had any design/engineering intention to be a performance car (I’m reminded of this every day that I drive mine…) This new version appears to be just the opposite, and may very well suprise us. However, this will all be null and void because it is afterall, a “shitty Ford”.

When I had my Evo this guy said, “I have a Lancer, it is awesome.” I said, “An Evo?” He said, “No but, I love the way it drives anyway.”
I hated that my Evo was a lancer.
They should definately call it a SHO not a Taurus.

I know what you mean.

Kind of like a Trailblazer, heh, “SS.”


This sexy brute :hay:


It was looking good till I saw this:

The 2010 Taurus SHO features an enhanced SelectShift® six-speed automatic transmission with control paddles mounted on the steering wheel

Yay, another wannabe european like sports sedan that America fucks up by dropping an automatic with stupid paddles to change gears into.

I don’t care if the manual would only be 10% of the sales. Offer it, and then the purists who review these things will love it, and then the posers will buy the automatic versions based on the reviews. Everyone wins.