Don't you wish gas was cheaper than water????

Actually company’s have insurance for shit like this. The gas station owner probably wont even take the hit. Nowadays, corporations sell insurance for pretty much anything. From glassware being broken at a bar to dine and dashing at restaurants.

fuck those insurance companies! it’s about time people got paid back! lol

WTF I just spent 50 bux on 91 today… aaaaaaaaaaaw cmonnnnnnnn

The clerks dont change the price they dont even know what the gas is going to be. Its a timed adjustment around 11 from what i can remember so clerks fine…

not true

i sure to work at sunoco in hight school

we use to change the price of gas manually

Peter, you need to go back to high school.

What in the fuck does your post say? LOL

so how drunk were you when you wrote this?

lol fuck you all

not true

i use to work at sunoco in high school

we use to change the price of gas manually

I once was given an extra burger when I bought a meal at KFC. I gave the burger back…

But if this gas station thing happened to me, yeah I’d probably fill up too, I’m not gonna lie. lol

I’d feel bad, but I’d still do it, we get fucked over enough with gas prices, and I get 18mpg; I deserve a break.

What makes you guys so sure it was a mistake?

Maybe there was a problem with the 91 octane underground tank and had to be fixed/updated/repaired so they had to drain whatever fuel was in there as fast as possible.

I suspect THIS is more likely than a stupid mistake costing them tons of money.

Gas is like gold, not something for them to make silly price mistakes over.

trust me, we are all getting fucked over with greedy gas companies and shit :wink: