F my life compared to did I get F'd over!

what ever, getting the car back and this shit is going to someone now. im looking for something different.

i’m still not on board.

What’s being compared here?

yeah probably could have been a little better, I’m just really really mind fucked right now and having a horrible day, not just with the car.

edit: the thoughts at the time when i created it was about fuck my life if i need to pay this much compared to should i fight this and get it lowered in price if there really wasnt anything replaced.

What the fuck is going on here.

You are cheap and fuck up your own shit.

You take it to someone else with a sob story about trying to be cheap because you cant afford alot

Then you bitch when it takes longer.

You want to be front in line…have a good relationship with a mechanic and be prepared to pay…if you are cheap dumb fuck like you sound to be…dont bitch when it takes 2x as long because you are a charity case.

when someone tells you its going to get done when you tell them you need it back right away and then you take it to them, your expecting it to get done right, but then they take 4 weeks. ummm yeah, we asked before we took it there. and yeah, its a malibu and im going to get rid of the car so i will be cheap with it, the reason i took it to him is because everyone told me hes going to give a better price than other people or shops.

edit: and yes im the one that torched down the spark plug to the point where when trying to take them off they snap! cool! funny i hear this happen a lot.

If you want to be cheap…there is this awesome saying thats usually fairly accurate


how is that cheap. apparently I’m paying the same price it would normally be if i went to a dealer or local shop

funny part about this entire thing is you could have dropped a new low milage engine in for < $500 and been done in a day if you have any wrench skills once so ever.

WATsoever??? :iobarf:


Price sounds reasonable for what you have described.

next time pay someone to change your plugs instead of being a hero if you’re going to suck that bad

edit: sario’s avatar saved this thread.

Now that is just priceless.


That really sucks, sorry to hear that.

BUT! In my car I have something I got from Wal-Mart…it’s like a tv antenna with a magnet on the end. It telescopes out to two or three feet and the magnet head swivels. Only a couple dollars and it is REALLY useful for finding lost parts in engine bays that you can see but can’t reach.

- Applied Magnets - Magnet4less Like this, except it’s silver and not black. Whatever, same thing.

I was also reading a Summit Racing (I think) magazine at home and they had a variety of 3 foot, bendable antennas that functioned as real time video recorders. Can’t think of the name nor can I find them, hopefully someone knows what they are. Kind of expensive though.

That should help him immensely. :clap: How do you know that all the parts on that busted plug are ferrous, anyway?

…gum on the end of the magnet? :smiley:

Don’t do that.

edit: Yeah, I know that he sent it out and it cost him over a grand to fix, so it’s too late now…but there is ALWAYS a next time.

i snapped off a plug on my mountainner when ichanged them, it was a original plug 156000 miles on them, i got a easy out tool and got it out myself, shop vac with a small homemade attachment to vacuum out the cylinder good to go

Volvo makes 5 cylinders, don’t see why it would not work for Chevrolet as well.

Call it a 2.584 liter.

Bottom line: Good, fast, cheap. Pick two. Sounds like he did it well, and for taking the top of the motor apart and polishing a scored cylinder wall $1300 is reasonable, if not cheap. Hence it took him 4 weeks.