Failed etest (sr20det) with methyl hydrate

Hey, so I failed my etest today… Limit Reading
HC 64 82
CO%.35 .61
NO 0485 3052

Two days ago it failed. So today, I mixed 2 jugs of methyl hydrate from Canadian Tire (bout 8L) into half a tank of gas. Mixed it at the etest place and let it idle for bout 5 minutes. It did significantly worse on everything besides curb idle. Also, I asked Nissan Avenue (closest to me) if they could give me a form declaring the car as a hot rod. They had no idea what I was talking about… LOL
What should I do?

Take it to a place that actually knows their shit? Most etest guys now know what an SR20 is in a 240. Talk to Re_Amemyia, he has a Crappy tire that does it.

401 Dixie son!

Also, why did you put in a near 1/2 gas to methyl mix in? That’s insane btw.

If your car is running fine Nox should be your only problem or you might pass… go to 401/dixie Nissan and they will hook u up wit da paper


High NOx is a result of all the methyl hydrate you put in. It makes for a hotter burn(over 2300 degrees), which in-turn creates oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

Also, get rid of the remaining methyl hydrate fast. That stuff rots out fuel lines when left for a period of time.

just get the exhaust system super hot, before u get it tested drive the pisss out of it and take it on the highway,

if u get the hot rod papers does that affect your insurance(make it go higher)?

^ no, its a government thing. And government doesn’t give a shit, as long as you can prove its hot rod.

insurance can’t find out, unless someone was dumb enough to tell their broker.

so I went to Dixie Nissan today… they are friggin AWESOME!!!
The guy took a loook under the hood and said “this is definetely not a ka.” wrote the paper no questions asked and best of all it was FREEEEE!!!
wish me luck on the etest

^ how much did they charge you? and what did you ask for? and who did you ask?

for the paper declaring my car was a hotrod? i was charged nothing. went to service desk. all i needed was ownership and the guy just needed to see under the hood. took bout ten minutes.

^ i mean, how did you go about getting the paper. Ie… from when you walked into the dealership who did you talk too and what did you say.

In the past i didn’t have the same luck when i tried to get papers.

Go to a service or parts guy… a guy not a woman

Anyone that knows its not the original motor should have e-tested it as a hotrod. If its a Japanese car (RHD) You get it tested under the gray market category.

I just got my car e-tested about a month ago at CDN Tire in brampton with big injectors big tubro…you ge tthe rest o the mix…the shop smelt so bad they had to evac it. It passed with flying colors.

More info on “grey market category” testing?

ouch you didnt plated your car b4 april??? e test that came with my s13 was good till april 2010 yo.

I simply went there and said my car is from japan, the vin is shorter and there is no “Values” Set from the government or whomever says whats pass or fail. So you end up getting ridiculously high limits. Again, this is only if your car is foreign …(from outside of canada…possibly the us also)

When i went with my 91 Silvia with a JDM vin the computer had values for the car :frowning: