Fastest Vista Notebook Ever


half of the people buying macs are doing it cause its trendy. I agree its a good solid OS but it is not a better peice of hardware.


Eh it’s always been a better piece of hardware unless you buy an imac etc. The only trend I’ve seen is more and more people switching to Apples.

I still do almost all my desk work on my Mac tower that is now 8 years old. It holds its own just fine after all this time. I always have 10 apps open and it goes up from there depending on what I’m doing. I’ve never had to service or repair anything on it, but 2 non Apple monitors and a microsoft mouse have crapped out on this computer over that span of time. It’s been on non stop for almost all of those 8 years including nights with no heat in the shop and shop dust/dirt the last four years. They’re tanks. Anyone that says they’re overpriced is missing the value of quality.