For your anti-walmart people

LOL… next time i see you in there im going to take a pic of it and post it

:bigclap: :lol:

The donation is a nice gesture but still doesn’t change the fact that they destroy area small businesses.

You don’t know me. Stalker.:snky:

lol tell me how many audi are parked in the parking lot next time you go and tell me i would not be able to find you and get a pic walking out


You would be surprised at the number of 6 speed(limited production for USA) silver ALLROADS with Ron Paul stickers there are in Springville. I blend. lol

My sentiments for the last ~7 years.

Ha … yea it should blend

I still don’t see how its a social responsibility to pay higher prices at a local store for something becuase the owner can pat you on the ass on the way out, esp when its the same product.

Walmart will make me smile even more if they sell their made-in-China stuffs for whatever the cost of production, plus shipping costs and some margin of profit for their own.

Well, that should make a pair of jeans costs around $5. NOT $20!!! damn greedy biotch!!

Why would you post pictures of nyspeed members showering?

Which is why my town and the surrounding 3 said no to Wal Mart and will not let them in. Granted most of the “store front’s” around here are coffee shops, spa’s, or bars.

I usually try and shy away from personal attacks. It’s rude and unbecoming. However I just can’t stay quiet. I see a lot of your posts, and I sort of feel bad. I mean, yeah, maybe life just dealt you a shitty hand and you’re a weird dude. But then I read threads like this and I realize there’s a reason you’re always posting weird shit that makes everyone picard. but how shortsighted, uninformed, and ignorant your opinion in this matter is, in addition to the way you present your argument far eclipses your opinion, I just wasn’t prepared for.

“Most ignorance is willful.” -Dr John Mohawk, RIP

No they aren’t… you, like every other American are too lazy to look elsewhere. You name one product that only walmart carries.

Joe, I swear everything you have said in this thread came either came into my head just before you wrote it or I agree 100%
There is no sense in explaining economics to 99% of the public because they still won’t get it.

Name one item you can only find at Walmart…

As for the guys who say that a manufacturer shouldn’t just depend on Walmart. Some of them don’t have a choice. Walmart says “sell to us and we’ll guarantee you $XXX, Oh by the way you can only sell to us…” Now you can say that the manufacturer can choose not to deal with walmart but how does a company like rubbermaid just walk away from $XXX garanteed.


FUCK WAL-MART [/caplocks]


if you havent worked for a supplier of Wal-Mart or similar companies it is not appropriate for you to comment.

Wal-Mart’s procurement practices HAVE to be mimicked by competitors in order to remain competitve on price. Therefore, distributors or retailers who once placed more value on relationship development with suppliers now have to forego that development and pursue hard net cost.

In that sense, Wal-Mart has a major impact on companies that do not supply Wal-Mart as well as those that do.

Wal-Mart’s ripple effect has a retardedly wide expanse

I just don’t see why peoples huge argument is that is pushes away business in mom and pop stores and that they only pay min wage or slighty higher.

First, Walmart has a huge distribution and logistics system that is the benefit that it brings its suppliers. If you are a business that only relies on Walmart to sell your products, you have problems and deserve to be run into the ground or bought out. Its a business stand point. They are doing shit right and run efficiently and that is why the government and military is trying to have a similar logistics system as a retail store. When more people are trying to save money, why the hell would you buy a 10 pack of t-shirts from Mom’s Clothing store at $9.99 when you can go to Walmart and buy the SAME product for less than half that. Everyone focuses on Walmart that they are doing this. How many people tell others every day “Oh go into Stereo Shop and look at a TV and then buy it online”? Its not just Walmart. Its a just stores run efficiently and run better and therefor has cheaper prices.

Also, they provide jobs in some communities where there is no real work. They don’t pay high wages becuase look at the job you are doing. They have retired persons and high schoolers who operate cash registers. They are not saving lives here.

The bottom line is they are a business and they are cutting costs and making a profit. They are not there to be nice. They do that by having cheap goods. Ya the donation might be a sleezy PR ploy to get good views in a holiday season but still, its a buinsess turning a profit.

Walmart only pays minimum wage. No matter what, except for management postions (Which there are no women or blacks, try to find me either in any store you go to)

Walmart is anti-union
Anyone suspected to be involved in union activity is fired
When there is suspected union activity, corporate flies in on their multimillion dollar jet and takes over the store for several months, ELIMINATING anyone who is suspicious

The tax evading has been gone over.

Walmarts prices are cheap because they have thousands of employees in china working for 15cents a week. They make the chinese employees lie to the inspectors when they come in, otherwise they get fired. They have no choice but to listen because they have nothing else in life.

There is so much incredibly wrong with walmarts practices it is rediculous. Im sure other retailers do it as well, but they cannot get away with it to the extent that walmart has

I’ve dealt with unions for years. 90% of them are lazy, get paid way to much for the job, and cost companies more each year because of grievances and constant meetings and hearings all becuase of their union power in numbers. How a union using its size and power to get benefits and wages any different than Walmart using its size and power to get cheaper prices from its suppliers?

First non arguable reason that Walmart is bad and I agree that they should be responsible for thier taxes.

Ya. Over seas companies who have thier products made is just the new thing. Comapnies all over are doing it too as you said and people know it. Its no longer hidden information

but they also arent the richest company in the world