For your anti-walmart people

Maybe but did Exxon pass them?

i have no idea, they are the richest retailer then lol

vote in poll

Seems you might be right.

Walmart followed by Exxon. Not a completley reliable source but would make sense since Exxon is just having its crazy years recently. I bet another gas spike and Exxon will take the top spot in the next year or 2

if you have never watched it, watch the movie “the high price of walmart” or something along those lines. it will really change your opinion. obviously its biased, but everything is true

Ya I have seen it. There is a Penn and Tellers: Bullshit that has a Walmart episode and that shows both sides too but as always, still biased.

EDIT: Season 5 Ep 2

Penn & Teller expose America’s love/hate relationship with Wal-Mart. We look at the good and bad sides of the biggest employer in the US. We challenge the director of the documentary, “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price,” we reveal union efforts to smear Wal-Mart, we meet a chronically unemployed young mother in Chicago to see how her life changed when Wal-Mart came to town and we look for the silver lining behind third world sweatshops

i just dont see anygood that walmart does to outweigh the negative things they do

Walmart treats their employees like shit, I have first hand and second hand experience with this. If you have any issue with the store you are working for you have absolutely no place to go for help other than your own lawyer.

If any company today needed to have a union to protect their workers its Walmart.

Other than for the consumer there is nothing good about them.

Send UAW to work at walmart and all the teenage girls who work at walmart to work at gm, problem solved, I just saved the big 3 and fixed walmart.

I didnt even see that before, but proves another point…

women who work in walmart have no chance of moving up on the status ladder and will not get raises/promotions.

Walmart actually ENCOURAGES their employees to go on welfare

The problem is…there are no teenagers working at walmart. Atleast not under the age of 18.

You have an entire store where people are making min wage and none of them are kids. They are all adults.

Well think about it. As the largest employer in the US, they always have other people to take your job if you don’t want to do it so if you don’t like it, see ya. Not like it takes skill and requires a higher education :slight_smile:

Is there any proof of that? If they prevented any woman or minority to end up in power in the store, that would seem like it would come out a lot.

What about the welfare thing? Doesn’t anyone who only works for min wage end up on welfare?

Well if your making minimum wage at walmart…all the more motivation to do something with your life…


“Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has been named one of the “2007 Top 35 Companies for Executive Women” by the National Association for Female Executives”

Sixty-one percent of Wal-Mart associates are women, and 40 percent of the company’s management is female.

Good find.

And if you don’t have a higher education and they are the only ones hiring I guess you are just shit out of luck.

You should just be expected to be treated like shit, and if you have a complaint about your company like:

“how come that new guy is getting paid more money than me for doing the exact same job”,

“Or I got hurt on the job, but no one in management is wiling to talk to me about it”,

" Hey how come I’m getting written up for simply punching out 15 min late? I was stuck helping a customer"

They should be union end of story.

35/35 lol?

Some one explain to me how the employee’s at walmart don’t need a union? Please.

Please see GM…