Friend of mine just died (maybe a member?)

I agree… its just being a previous bike owner (you should know as well)… its very very easy to be doing 75mph in a 55mph zone… the bikes now are so stable and ride so smooth you just dont notice it. Even if you do get into a situation, one semi second little touch of the brake and your easily down to the speed limit. I understand not every situation should be excused.

I just like the outlook of our local cheif. I live in the country… we have a lot of twisty roads, etc… His outlook is, why pull out after someone going 20mph over on a street bike… he said only 3 things are going to happen… 1 he is going to get away because of the pure speed of the bikes and the fact that we have so many back roads around here, 2. He is going to get nervous of the officer behind him and wreck and possiably get killed, or 3, the officer himself is going to wreck into an innocent motorist while trying to catch someone that he knows he has not a prayer of doing unless he wrecks or goes down a dead end street. Its simply not worth a $200 ticket he says. I agree… for once in my lifetime a police officers opnion makes sence.