Gauging interest: Best all around car + driver. Big Purse.

Before I even think about getting serious and planning out a schedule…
Who would have interest and the cash to put up for a mini-series of racing?

what would be involved? 3 Different criterias of racing. Drag racing, auto-x, and a lapping day.

Winner would be determined by lowest combined time of all 3 areas. Which would mean… Valid NYIRP 1/4 timeslip whenever throughout a given period of time. The auto-x would be tricky because we’d all have to show up to the same event. And the road course could also be done within a given time frame of best lap with a neutral party timing it.

Rough cut rules: Street driven car (driven to and from “if it survives the day” the track/strip) You also must be the owner of your car. No Ringers! (however, randy you are welcome to enter with your own car :wink: )
Run What you brung! However the same car must be used for all 3 events. You are free to mod and do whatever you’d like between events. (meaning, if you want to throw a huge F’n shot of N20 at the strip, go for it)

Purse: would depend on how many entries. I’m guessing there would only be 5-10 SERIOUS in this. So roughly if say 5 entrants, 2 winners 70% first place 30% second place. 10 entrants do a first second third place.

Now I say there may only be 5-10 interested because of the purse size. I was thinking along the lines of $1000 per entrant. It sounds like a lot yes, but if you have a whip that could be a contender in all 3 areas, $1000 probably isn’t really all that much when you think about it. (evo + sti owners, this means you :slight_smile: )

Pending interest, we’d all have to meet and figure out dates and a strict set of guidelines to pull this off.

Please give this idea some serious consideration as it would make for a hell of a competative season.

kind of like a mini street car challenge type thing

You have peaked my interested. While my car is not a drag star, I might be able to make up for it at autox/track. Keep me filled in.

“You have piqued my interest,” not “you have peaked my interest” or “you have peeked my interest.”
The word “pique” (pronounced like “peek”) means “to excite or arouse.” “You have piqued my interest” means “you have aroused my interest”–that is, I wasn’t interested before, but now I am.

Well you learn something new everyday. THANKS AWD!!!
Also this event sound cool i am a newb to auto-x and lapping but how long averag is a lap for each? I know it depends on where im just looking ballpark here.

Sounds just like the Winged Warrior Performance Challenge, except for personal gain not charity.

The problem is very few people build cars to be “well-rounded.” And from experience with Winged Warrior, almost no domestic drivers even think about it… to the point that in 3 years of their event the domestic team hasn’t won collectively. And it’s ALWAYS the Evo / STi group of cars that pulls off the best “well-rounded” scores.

But I’m not trying to knock the idea here, just play devils advocate.

Personally, I think having to do Auto-X AND a road course is kinda redundant as well as being something that tilts the scales in favor of the AWD / import crew even more. I’d rather see just the road course. Browse the forums on Winged Warrior and listen to the complaints… guys with Grand Nationals auto-xing because it was a requirement of the competition :uhh:

If this is for money, I’d say drop the Auto-X idea and just stick with the road course.

You might also want to look at the Winged Warrior tire rules. The issue being, can you really have a “street driven car” and be running full slicks? Will you allow tire changes? Things like this start to handicap and push away potential participants.

There are a lot of things to iron out with something like this and no matter what you decide (especially since money is involved) someone is going to bitch… so be ready :slight_smile:

But if you get this organized Andy, we have plenty of track days this summer at Dunnville: :tup:

I remember someone starting this thread on UBRF, did it ever happen??

I think you need to include auto-x josh, it is entirely different than road course… that said, not surprising I am voting to keep this as I fall into the AWD/Import crew :stuck_out_tongue:

throw in an off road competition after the 3 races and i would be SO down :lol:

Well either way, if this does happen my money is on an Evo or STi winning. :slight_smile:

lol thats kind of a good point… would have to be a mild off road course tho :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds like with these rules, odd are the fastest “track” car will win. The range between a slow and fast track car could be as much as 10 seconds, but the 1/4 mile range will probably be within 3-4 seconds of eachother.


I’m sure someone good with statistics can make a weighted system that will work well.

Rally style?:slight_smile:
I’m in.

edit: nevermind… original idea is better

I know someone that would be interested. Maybe two.

but what about the highway pull event?

^ Go to the track, you don’t drive a honda anymore

While I did not know that, I was actually using “peaked” in this sense:

v. peaked, peak·ing, peaks
"To achieve a maximum of development, value, or intensity: Sales tend to peak just before the holidays. "

I don’t think it’s an incorrect use of the word, but I’ll leave it up to the grammar nazis to decide.

Oh, and I am totally down for a rallyx stage.

^it is technically piqued… according to some professors.

I need more details but I am interested.

Would you use the PAX system in the AutoX?