Genesis Development


nahhh a 2JZ isn’t $50,000 :rofl

this all reminds me of a funny story involving a “euro wag” G60 knows this story. hahaha

You and you’re inside jokes you fool

holy fuck you and your ls engines lol

4B11T would actually be the successor. Pre = before.


nice stuff!!

Im excited to see this project take shape. I hope you guys corner this market and make an even bigger name for yourself.

I think this car and the Cobalt should see some track time at LVD this year.

as long as the genesis runs the lvd drift events haha

speaking of, what is this car going to be built for…drift?drag?

say drift please. no one builds legit drift cars around here.

If CIP is involved it’s probably time attack or drift, well I hope so! ha

I was talking to Morgan last week and they are building the car for a company that deals with alot of 240 products and is big in the drift scene so hopefully the car will be at some drift events. Seems like it would be alot of fun to drive.

that’s awesome. i hope to see it drifting at some local events next year and maybe even giving rides to people so maybe they can push the cars and products.

Can’t wait till we can tandem against it! I always wanted some white paint :rofl


i cant wait to see this!

I love competition. The more nice cars, the better. Can’t wait to see what you guys do with this…

Finished our production bolt on intake. No tuning or boost increase.

Wow good work as usual. Looks good!