Anyone need a truck? I have a f150, SST, SSR, And a Tacoma.
Im at level 21 and slightly disappointed.
Im just grinding to get cars to mod and race online, fuck the rest of the game. Its at that point where you have to save up 10,000,000 for an F1 car if you want to win. Blah. I have more fun online anyway.
I got a Veyron now, so I can keep up on Special 7 lol
online is the way to play, I stopped playing A spec once and I hit 15. My B Spec cash cow is 19…:rofl
I hit 274 with it :rofl
lol, I saw one pass through the used car lot with 0 miles on it for 2,000,000. Mine is now Pink Metallic. Why? Because everyone has a Veyron, but not a pink one. Plus everyone smashes into it more when its pink.
:rofl I started more B Spec too. Just get a fast car, kick back and watch.
Just bought the Formula GT last night…I had to sell 48 cars to make up the extra million that I needed…Not sure why they would do this but to be eligible to race the Formula GT championship you have to be level 23 but you cant even buy the car until level 24…
You cant win the Formula from any other race, or finishing licenses with gold? Anyone have a link to prize cars?
Cool. I got sidetracked, dont forget to enter GT Academy BROS! So debated not saying anything, less competition, then remembered RocketPunch def would tell. lol
already did!!
Mechanical damage is pretty awesome…Especially with the wheel…
I cannot get over how stupid the Ai is… especially the Bspec drivers. Always tapping the brakes, even if they are said to be “aggressive.”
Yeah to me they dont seem very interactive…Seems more scripted to follow a certain line…I dont think Ive cursed that much at a TV before…
Exactly. I give him a car with twice the power of the others, at the same weight. I have a driver at level seven, yet he still cant make a corner in a RWD for anything… very frustrating.
Wtf is up with this shit…lol…People are really buying these things for that much…
photobucket sucks… damn bandwidth sucks
thats nuts… i put in a bid for one that was only $.99 and had a few hours left… think it sold for like $2.50
My current stats:
A-Spec Level - 24
B-Spec Level - 24
Game Progress - 78 %
Current Credits - 2,870,766
Total Wins - 302
No. of Cars Owned - 118
Trophies Earned - 47 %
Total Distance Driven - 11,789.0km (7,325.3 miles)
wow nice.
Still at lvl 16…I spend too much time online…rofl:rofl