grip is gay

I catch it
but for people who are too scared to take it 2 the track,
get experience some how, it could save your life one day

lol i just posted here to see the outcome, now im too damn lazy last nite at like 2am there was only 5post, i come back 2pm we are on page 12! amazing!

go to wasaga, right at the bottom of blue mountain , in the ski hill parking lot during the summer
its gotta be a foot ball field ,or more.

^ I beleive we all did hit that parking lot

Exactly. And 90% of the people here are too scared to take it 2 the track.

Hence the amount of 240s that are going to my event on October 14th.


i was just gunna point out that if junkyard was reffering to the 35 people attending grip to your track day mark, then he should note that only like 10 are s chassis

90% of the 240s that went to your last event got sideways and ppl got all shook and got their panties in a bunch.

rules are dumb when its a track and “speed” drifting is prohibited. notice i said speed and not show.

rules should be if u go off more than a certain amt u get kicked off. if u stay on and not spin out, why get penalized.

ppl say its dangerous and etc. thats a oxymoron since ur racing and sometimes pushing the person infront of you. anything can happen. brake too late, understeer and hit the guy infront of you. or vise versa.

drifting is dangerous…i guess racing on a track isn’t.

half of you have tried drifting an gave up. cuz its too hard. then you come on here and run your mouth? i dont understand. id say just keep reading up on forums and act like u know
ps why would i go to the track if i drift? for your grip event?

^^ just curious to know who your referring to

not me, ive owned s chassis for about 3 years now and have never tried to drift even once

dont know why, i like raod racing better. i started off liking drift and wantng to learn it, but that slipped away from me

gonad foball anyone running there mouth

p.s jesus himself drifts

get used to it, its SON afterall


i wouldnt mind doing some lapping. but my car might step out and i might get kick out.

Masturbation is fun.

Only thing I haven’t done is rallying.

Speaking of rallying.

drifting and grip is gay. rallying > your life

Samson, Call it Speed drifting if you’d like but most 240s were there to fuck around. SR20 (Roger) was there and he wasn’t. Let’s face it. They probably thought it was funny and cool. What I don’t get is why you’re complaining so much.

You were there at Dunnville for the CSCS drift event weren’t you? So can’t you give a brother a break?

That’s why I don’t want drifting. And if I were to allow drifting, it would be very subjective. Guys could be using the term “speed drifting” when really they were trying to show off.

The reason why I care so much is because I’m there to drive. And when some idiot goes off, it wastes a good 20 minutes of everyone’s time in which they paid for.

snow drift is AWESOME… it’s easy, much much less dangerous and if you hit stuff it usually doesnt cost anything because it’s a winter beater.

of course non-snow drift is more fun, but snow drift is still pure wickedness… better than grip anyways… :slight_smile:

There’s a difference when you’re trying to drift on purpose and when you step out cause the rear lets go.

Especially if people do it at the same corner 20 laps in a row.

Edit: Samson, I really would’ve appreciated it if you had told me how much you hated my event while you were there.

i know not what you speak of.
im just saying u like what you like i like what i like. k pasa?. im not gonna let someone who has no clue what they are talking about trying to shit talk me. when you know nothing about me.

Well I know that you’re sponsored by Megan Racing and that you must be a pretty good drifter.

And you started talking shit first.