grip is gay

mark , dont take them personal
you make a good point with the drift / grip not going on at the same time.

and i dont think samson is hating,
i think they just prefere sliding,
I know for a fact my car went out FULL out sideways on this one corner more then 10 times…
But its cause my tires were GARBAGE and I was going in to the corners way to fast… It went out almost everytime I and wasn’t really meaning to do it,
Its a learning experience,
gotta learn the feeling of the car
and I was behind samson for a while,
and his suspension is juts really friggin stiff, his car wanted to go out even on the slightest bends…

i actually liked your event bro, dont worry. but i hated how the ppl there made drifting look like such a bad thing.

saying how drifting is dangerous and this and that. the track owner saying how i was drifting along the straight (which i was never doing, nor don’t have the skill to do so yet).

i hate uneducated ppl who look at things and assume right away.

your event was awesome cause of the track time, but i dind’t like those enforcing the rules of no drifting (track owner or designer)

he says the track isnt made to drift…no such thing.

touge isn’t meant to drift because you can fall off and die and the run off is a cliff. lol


mark, no hard feelings. you put on an awesome event. just not made for those who get a lil sidewayz.

and for that reason, im not coming to the oct 14 cause i don’t want ppl to get pissed. i do respect rules, but doesn’t mean i agree with them.


and you guys are forgetting Avery posted this thread hopefully it would come to to 15 pages of everyone arguing,

some people are into drag

some people are into Nascar

some people are into grip

some people are into drift

some people are into rally racing

Grow up and STFU. Dont complain that you are on a Nissan 240sx board and no one drifts. Maybe they just prefer to make better lap times and have goals to just become a better racer and not a drifter.

This is why this board is really immature. Diversity is the spice of life. Learn to live with it or just shut your mouth.

well said

lol robby
did you read anything?
the guy who started this thread just wanted to spice up the forum
he just wanted a huge post to form in under 24 hours,
dont take it serious
you guys need to realize
this forum needs some life, and this brings it… i bet it has people pressing F5 more than ever.

myself and the owner of the track were the only ones who were upset about the drifting that was going on.

i was responsible for helping to make sure everyone followed the rules, so thats what I was doing.

It was clear in the drivers meeting and on the handout that there was “NO DRIFTING”.

I think “speed drifting” is just a term that you made up.

I know what you’re referring to however, because it’s happened to me. It’s ok to give your car a bit too much gas out of a corner once in a while and its ok to go in a bit too hot once in a while - people make mistakes

But I don’t think its a coincidence that the two guy with “live life sideways” stickers (or whatever the hell your stickers say haha) are the two guys that happen to go in to the corners “a bit too hot” 5 times more than anyone else?

My job was to watch the performance of people at the track to make sure they were obeying the rules - I had people complaining about drifters saying “the guy with the white s14 and bodykit keeps drifting” (just as an example), etc. I watched you guys do it over and over and over on the same corners - not every single lap but several of them.

I was also following you around in marks car for nearly 2 full laps and you were doing great for 90% of it but 2 or 3 times you kicked the ass end out more than necessary and one of those times you spun out and i had to hit the brakes and go around you mid-corner. This was the time you ended up on the hill on the inside of the corner - I’m sure you remember. I can’t remember who I was with, I think it was zeeshan riding shotgun with me and we commented on the nice drift you were holding before you spun out. Too hot in to the corner? perhaps, but if you haven’t learnt the capabilities of your car by nearly the end of the day you definitely need to contrate a little more on that aspect.

I don’t see how you can deny it, it happens. And i don’t see how you can say it doesnt cause you to go off track - because every single one of the guys being accused of drifitng went off track at least once that day. the majority of other people did not.

oh u were driving behind me tim, didnt know

ya i was actually really holding back not to try and drift, as you probably seen. and i also have a 2way, it wants to come out.

if i wanted to drift, i would make it really obvious

but watever, ill stop this nonesense.

fobwalls track days are AMAZING for those who don’t know or can’t go sideways. that is all lol

Just another note on this paragraph - something to consider for yourself. I was driving marks car which I’m very UNfamiliar with - it’s more power than I’m used to and I don’t daily drive that car like I do my own and like you do yours.

I had no problem keeping the back end in line while I was driving behind you at the same pace as you - you were actually holding me up for 2 laps and didn’t let me pass. I’m not ragging on you for not letting me pass because we already cleared up at the track that I didn’t make it evident enough for you… I was sticking back to give you some space which.

Anyway, I’m not trying to talk shit by saying this but in marks car I was able to enter quicker and exit quicker than you were doing in your car but I was still able to keep the back end under control. Better tires? Probably. But there is also at least 100whp on top of what you’re making too - it’s just about the decisions you make as a driver - how fast to go in to the corner, what line to take and how soon you can get back on the gas.

It’s nice to get back on the gas early but it’s not necessarily faster if you’re spinning your tires.

Just some contructive critism for you sammy.

also, calm the fuck down beatches.

well put john, and to let you remember, it was my first GRIP event.

im still learning the potential of my car in terms of grip.

i entered the corners too fast and with a too low of a gear (drifter mindset to keep rpms maxed out).

i spun out and off the track max 2 times. i’ve spun out but was still on the track the otehr times.

but nonetheless, its over with and ppl had a good day

samson , its nothing really man
the event was great
he knows it by the turn out and the mailing list that he got.
the fact that yoour S chassis that is set up for DRIFT slipped a few times on a GRIP day that you actually came out too, is awesome.
your car is set for drift,
and your sttill at other events.
just goes to show how down you actually are.

+1 for samson.

lol i basically just said that…

right on bing!

thanks for the critisism john. i do know i have lots of room to improve.

remember, having a 2way makes it VERY hard to keep it under control when pushing the car to the limits.

but ya, i do have lots to learn. at least im making the effort to learn and come to events.

ppl gotta go to more events and support the scene. as long as your car runs, anyone can go.

all i did to prep the car is change my oil. didn’t even bleed the brakes.

just do it

the only people who are against snow drifting are the ones who dont have a dozen friends to tendim with,
its all fun and games as long as you have a BEATER

im curious, are 2-ways only decent for drift? i dont know a lot about 1.5-way vs. 2-way and other types of diff’s… just the basics of how they work

but i just kind of assumed that pro racers used these also.

if 2-way means the car wants to drift - what diff’s are intended for maximum grip?

ask mael
ask jantos
ask avery
that shit is the SHIT

i was at cscs thats why i started talking shit. even then my clutch was fucked.

quafie? helical

from what i hear, sasha has a 1.5 and wants to change to something better for grip.

probably slides out too much as well lol

ps: tim, my susp was actually set to the softest setting in rear, and mid setting up front lol

either way
i was behind you for at least 3 laps OVER all during that day,
and I saw you fighting with your car the entire day.
it was really trying to break loose, and everytime it did ( when I was behind you) you would Straighten it out as best you could…

especially that last BIG turn that goes into the straight before you hit the pits…
your car would go sideways to straight , sideways to straight, straight to sideways.

basically it was just twitching trying to get out