GT5 vs. Forza [graphics comparison]

I hear what your saying, many people can still get fooled by pre-rendered and actual game footage lol.

We’ll have to see some actual in-game footage shots taken when the games come out to really justify which one has the better graphics…ATI has always been the best in graphics technology from my experience and it’s found in the 360 and surprisingly most will agree that the comparable games on each system, the 360 always has the better graphics in the end. PS3 uses Nvidia, they’re good but I’d still put the money on ATI.

Either way, since there are two games made from different companies, Polyphony is a very experienced and one of the top players in the sim console racing game world then you have the makers of Forza which is also respected if not as much. I got a feeling though that GT5 developers might have put out higher more detailed textured sprites and tracks, but we’ll have to see!:cool: