GT5 vs. Forza [graphics comparison]

240xcsv is like youtube search… except it only finds GT5 and FM3 videos, LOL
In any case, if you have an Xbox 360, you’ll get Forza 3 and if you have a PS3 you’ll get GT5. And I’m sure once these games do come out, people will still continue to argue which one is better or worse and continue to make these threads :slight_smile:

I wasn’t really arguing which one is worse or better, etc… The games are not yet out. I would get both and enjoy both as I love car games, rpg games and action/adventure games. IF I get the time lol.

All I was pointing out is that the ‘trailers’ that were posted were not in game realtime gameplay videos but rather demos/prerendered-post edited movies.

If you want more demos/prerendered crap in HD footage enjoy this:

From what I’m seeing so far though fake or not is that even in gameplay footage GT5 still looks better. I think the two are just two different animals. Everyone knows Forza was microsoft’s answer to GT, but GT/polyphony/sony have years under their belt in this department. I think both will be great ultimately and wouldn’t mind playing both.

What makes me enjoy these kinds of games is the continuity/career mode where you buy cars, race in race series, upgrade/mod, go on.

Otherwise this really impresses me and I would have never known about it until someone mentioned it in the other thread:

Holy man stfu. As I make my way back downstairs to continue my Gran Turismo 4 playtime I can say GT5 is what i’ll be played. I played Forza once and got very very angry :slight_smile:

Ahmed, you’re seriously retarted. You just came in here to shit on EVERYTHING with ZERO information that anyone cares about.

FIRST OF ALL, Gran Turismo is known to show real time graphics MOST of the time. Second of all, nobody gives a fuck. The graphics are fucking kick ass (so are FM3’s), and until something better comes around, who CARES!

Have you EVER even played GT5P on a good TV with the proper HDMI cables, at 1080p? No you haven’t. If you have, then you wouldn’t post this garbage.

Stop drinking and smoking? WTF is that supposed to mean?

For anyone interested in some USEFUL information, the Tokyo Game Show starts tomorrow (but seeing as though it is already tomorrow in Japan), there will be live updates starting at 9:30 pm our time. Check out at 9:30 tonight…I’m fucking excited!

Ahmed, don’t bother responding to this post, just GTFO.

One thing I can say about Ahmed, he’s the best fucking internet troll I’ve ever come across. I’ve seen some impressive trolling before, but nothing I couldn’t shrug off… Ahmed on the other hand makes me physically angry whenever I see he’s posted… To such a point that I can’t even ignore it.

forza physics > gt physics

the only people who bitch about how forza plays are the same people who believe that gt and their million pounds of downforce physics are realistic.

Fuck X box 360…

n64 mario kart



but mario kart for n64 is probly the most gangster racing game:p

Diddy Kong Racing. That shit has hovercrafts and airplanes.

I think I’ve posted this a few times already. Me and my buddy drifting with a G25 on GT5:P.

I still like Forza better for some reason though. Each game handles physics differently. But physics and graphics aren’t really what keeps drawing me back to Forza. It’s how well online racing works, tons of customization options, awesome paint editor, etc. Little things like that. The only reason I bought a PS3 about a year ago was to play GT5:P with the G25 and wait for GT5 to come out. Even then, with that beast of a setup I kept going back to Forza because I rather play games online with friends. My PS3/G25 are now sold, and I’m waiting for FM3 to come out. I went from using one of the illest wheels for games to using a POS MS wheel. haha. Well worth it IMO.

ya but it bit off mario, mario=entrepreneur

+1 for Diddy Kong Racing

Those were the days… we should organize some netplay with an n64 emulator lol

not even dude, the weapons and power-ups were so much better in mario kart

thank you

I hear what your saying, many people can still get fooled by pre-rendered and actual game footage lol.

We’ll have to see some actual in-game footage shots taken when the games come out to really justify which one has the better graphics…ATI has always been the best in graphics technology from my experience and it’s found in the 360 and surprisingly most will agree that the comparable games on each system, the 360 always has the better graphics in the end. PS3 uses Nvidia, they’re good but I’d still put the money on ATI.

Either way, since there are two games made from different companies, Polyphony is a very experienced and one of the top players in the sim console racing game world then you have the makers of Forza which is also respected if not as much. I got a feeling though that GT5 developers might have put out higher more detailed textured sprites and tracks, but we’ll have to see!:cool:

Thank you for understanding exactly what I was talking about. That is why I posted actual gameplay footage from both GT5 prologue and Forza 3… vs the ‘trailers’.


time to realize that both GT5 and FM3 are arcade games pretending to be simulators

real sims = Live for Speed, or rFactor, or the GTR series

all for PC.

they’re games you -need- to use a wheel with to be able to actually drive properly

download LFS right now to see what im talkin about

i use a net book, fuck that shit lol