GT5 vs. Forza [graphics comparison]

Nah, the 360 doesn’t support the G25. You can use the MS wireless wheel, and the new Fanatec 911 wheel, which you can get with clubsport pedals, and both H-shifter and sequential, it also has a clutch. it’s basically the G25 for the 360.

I have a Logitec Momo FF wheel, not as realistic as a G25 but still a lot better then a controller.

Got it at a garage sale to use on whatever PC games I could use it for. It was only $5 so I thought what the hell, but it just happens to be PS3 compatible :smiley:

I don’t know about that… In previous games sure, but if you’ve played GT5:P that’s definitely not the case, and the official GT5 is supposed to be better then that so I can’t wait :slight_smile:

I just hope you can do engine swaps in GT5, that made me love forza that much more even thought I’ve been a Gran Turismo freak since the first one on PS1.

BTW guys,

FM3 HD video

I just came back from my buddys house. He picked up shift as well as the logitech gt25 wheel. 6 speed shifter, 3 pedals and the wheel spins 900 degrees. It was simply off the hook.

Try that ^ with GT5P…you’re in for a treat.

Cool – my bad, unfair initial comparison…you can’t really compare HD vs. regular quality YouTube footage. However, my thoughts remain the same. FM3 looks sweet, but I’m guessing it will be more on the NFS side, compared to GT.

Ive played all the GT games except GT5… the graphics looks way better then Forza. GT all the way!

I think GT does look a little prettier, but like it was mentioned earlier, they put a ton of effort into the cars, but the surroundings suffer in detail, Forza stays consistent with the cars and the surroundings.

I’d also like to see actual gameplay for GT5, not just pre-rendered video.

Oh, and for those with a 360, Forza 3 demo comes out tomorrow on Live!!!

If the graphics do blow FM3 out of the water, and the physics are there, I’ll probably end up getting a PS3 just for GT5, but since I already have a 360, I’ll be getting FM3 first.

forza has engine swaps… thats all i care about… cept i own a ps3 :frowning:

on a second note… that announcer from shift fuckin pisses me off! fuck i hate the british!

my point was not HD or not HD output, I was talking about the actual footage, you dont guys get the difference between prerendered or post edited stuff and realtime animation. As well as even if it is realtime, it is a demo not an interactive animation with physics, etc… therefore not the same as gameplay. What I posted was gameplay videos, makes little to no difference being lower res, I can see the difference between one being realtime and the other being prerendered or a plain ol demonstration not interactive

Here, GT5 Prologue recorded HD footage:

It’s nice but no where near as good as the prerendered/or possibly realtime but demo only video.

And here’s forza 3 recorded HD video footage:

Again not as nice as the prerendered stuff (DUH!).

I dont think you guys understand the difference between being prerendered and realtime…

Based on the gameplay videos though GT5 still has better models and shaders and light effects than forza 3 lol. So for looks alone GT5 is pushed more than forza3

See this here:

It’s NOT GT5, however, even if it was, it is in fact realtime BUT it is a DEMO, meaning for a single scene a high resolution model, with shaders and a HDRI dome was used to display this.

Something realtime means that all the calculations are done on the fly.

Something prerendered means the calculations were done and frames were generated (think single jpgs for sake of understanding) and the composed into a movie file. There’s a difference.

Realtime gameplay footage is not going to be anywhere near that.

Out of game there are parts where there are more fancy shaders employed to make the cars look nice. Just like in GT4 where there was the photoshoot mode, the output image was rendered much nicer than what you’d get in game. Same with game menus, pre-gameplay screens, etc…

Not trying to say its bad looking in anyway lol just trying to establish the difference for you guys between realtime gameplay and prerendered or realtime but demo only rendersings.

STOP FUCKING TALKING! You are seriously the most obnoxious human being I’ve ever had the displeasure of contacting.

We know the difference, and those who don’t know the difference don’t care.

If you also took 3 seconds to pay attention, you’d notice that the HD trailer for GT5 is right there at the top of the thread… And if you took 3 seconds to pay attention, you’d have also noticed that the HD trailer for FM3 is right above your post.

I lawl’d you clearly know the difference.

Educate yourself on the difference here’s another more obvious example:

God you’re fucking frustrating. I can see why Anthony hates you so much. You really are a very low form of human being. If I saw you driving, I would strongly consider writing off my car just to injure you. That is how much you annoy me.

Yes you dumb ignorant stupid fucking shit, (you are so obnoxious you deserve several descriptors on how low your wisdom is)… I do know the difference between pre-rendered video and realtime animation. It’s not like I’ve been involved in the computer field and animation for the last 15+ years or anything.

For the record, you annoy me so much I didn’t bother reading your post thoroughly enough to see that you posted ingame footage, in contrast to the pre-rendered trailer. You need to fucking talk less and get your point across.

Get a clue, you’re not the only person here with knowledge, and not everyone here wants to hear every fucking useless tidbit you have to share.

lol what a douchebag. Well best of luck clearly you already knew the difference as outlined in a previous post. I’m sorry for insulting your 15+ years of experience, so that means you were animating since you were 9 years old. Oh and I graduated from sheridan and humber for computer animation, although I’ve had a career change for sake of convinience (easier/faster money). I guess I can brag about using dos 3.0 when I was 3 years old playing prince of persia on a 286. I am so awesome I must brag wow omg. 15+ years of computer and animation experience.

You could just agree that the initial ‘trailers’ that were posted are not in game footage. All I did was post actual in game footage. What a fucken dick.

“OMG YOU ARE A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING OMG I was proven wrong and I hate ahmed OMG LET ME WHINE OMG lets make ahmed look stupid OMG”. What a dick, what the fuck is your problem and the rest of you lil douchbaggeries. LIKE WOW, Ahmed is here to make you all look baaaddd brrrr aaaah roaaar. Yeah right, get over yourself. I have caused a fatal loss in your life for posting actual gameplay footage of GT5 and Forza 3. What are you going to do… WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO! THE HUMANITY! Lets bash Ahmed to make ourselves feel better inside and brag how awesome we are and how low he is and how we run out of vocabulary and examples to make him look worse than us OMG lets do it! Lets make run on sentences to make ourselves even more emotionally awesome!

^he annoys me

^Don’t drink and smoke as much

Back on topic:

What still annoys me is the engine/car sounds. Even the tire squeal is still the same as the older games. I wish they’d implement a different sound effects engine/samples.