Gumball Fatality

^ Another stupid comparison pwned.

Last time I checked, the vast majority of the people at the shooting club didn’t head out in public to go target shooting.

A road rally where the first person from point A to point B wins is clearly condoning illegal driving on public roads. So that rally should be a high priority target for police agencies.

A road rally where the real racing is done on tracks, like One Lap of America, but that doesn’t allow enough time between events to drive a reasonable speed on public roads, or “rewards” participants with a necessity such as sleep for speeding and getting to a destination early is doing the same thing.

You are telling people that in order to be in the event, you must break the law. At no point do gun manufactures or gun clubs make that specification. Maybe you’ve been down south too long and the logic you learned in WNY has been replaced by redneck thinking.