Harper announces tougher laws on street racing

i really wish you would all grow up some days.

I’m o-k with this law, so long as there’s a watchdog organization that oversees the police operations, so that there isn’t a new kind of “racial profiling” bestowed onto car enthusiasts.

nice sig… glad to see you’ll be rolling soon, sheesh… Monies go into next chassis, not immature speed compitions

everyone grows up, but a few stay immature indefinately…

Lucky; consider me getting booked for dangerous drivng when I was trying to escape from a huge brawl @ ottawa/strasburg, then the cop declines to press charges on my assailant so as to ensure a conviction for the DD, becuase I would have no evidence of the assualt to prove my nessecity of fleeing the situation…

THis street racing law will be abused more often than it will be used correctly, mark my words

lets be realistic what law isnt abused more then used correctly


Ya, no kidding…Just imagine the f-ing government trying to put someone in jail for killing innocent pedestrians instead of just giving them “house arrest”. I mean, even house arrest seems a little harsh…maybe just a careless driving offence would be enough to deter them.

who said i was talking about you?

perhpas it will be abused…but only on people who drive and act like idiots…learn the hard way…I did.

Like i’ve said, dont give them a reason to harass you and you’ll be fine…When was the last time i was pulled over, windows down everthing next to police and nothing…

You dont like the attension of owning a car like the s13’s and 14’s go buy a ae86 or k-car.

nice sig… glad to see you’ll be rolling soon, sheesh… Monies go into next chassis, not immature speed compitions

everyone grows up, but a few stay immature indefinately…

Lucky; consider me getting booked for dangerous drivng when I was trying to escape from a huge brawl @ ottawa/strasburg, then the cop declines to press charges on my assailant so as to ensure a conviction for the DD, becuase I would have no evidence of the assualt to prove my nessecity of fleeing the situation…

THis street racing law will be abused more often than it will be used correctly, mark my words[/quote]

If you want to stop something like this you cant just plain out ban it. The government should make it easier for people to race safely, i would love to see government sponsered drag strips and tracks. aslong as they do it right.


Ya, no kidding…Just imagine the f-ing government trying to put someone in jail for killing innocent pedestrians instead of just giving them “house arrest”. I mean, even house arrest seems a little harsh…maybe just a careless driving offence would be enough to deter them.[/quote]

im not even going to attempt to get into this arguement with you, inorder to participate in it you need to have a understanding of both sides and not just what the media has pulled over your eyes, which obviously you dont.

impromptu streetracing is the only bad street racing, it is the only one where people are killed. Nobody ever gets killed or injured at organized street races.

I find it interesting that the goverment is cracking down on car sub group that for the most part have ~200hp and a mean value. meanwhile I see more dumb ass kids and even adults in 350-450hp+ large SUV’s and sedans. Tell me, who’s going to be the worse offender the kid that has a new X5 or RS4 that daddy gave him of the kid who spent his hard earned money to get his car exactly how he likes it… from experience over the last 20 some odd years of being aorund people in both those classes the former has always been the cause of the problem.

The ‘street racing’ target of this bill is nothing more then allowing the police to treat people who have tuned the mechanicals and looks of thier car be it a street rod , muscle car or tuner car… and lump them in the same boat as a hit and run and DUI.

Thing is with a DUI and a hit and run… they have to be proven first for the courts to take legal action. Which means that if a cop pulls you over and charges you with this ‘crime’ then it’s no longer just an officers discresion… he now has to prove it in a criminal court… not some rinky dink traffic court.

The actual number of harrasment tickets handed out for ‘racing’ will drop to nil… if you get nicced sunshine they are going to have ‘solid’ evidence to convict you.

You know… nothing will change will the passing of this bill… enthusiasts will still be treated the same…

The only thing this law would do, is raise the penalty, for people who are caught in the act of street racing…

In essence, the harrassment will remain the same, but the penalties for being caught are higher…

So stop complaining…

i know 3 kids that have died from driving parents luxury cars while drunk or drugged.

I know NOT ONE CAR ENTHUSIEST that has died or even been at all injured - or has injured ANYONE ELSE as a result of driving quickly or racing on the street.

And most of my friends are car enthusiests so you’d think the odds would help out.

WORST CASE SCENARIO these days, you street race and get into a fender bender with an innocnent civilian. They are FINE. Insurance fixes their car, you get fucked by insurance and cops but thats the risk you take.

Drunk drivers on teh other hand are like flying missles. Run a red light and bang t-bone a smart car and that driver is dead FOR SURE.

Street racing on the other hand is usually small mistakes or close calls where people rarely if ever get hurt.

Thats fact.

Long story short



I don’t street race, and I pretty much never exceed the limit by more than 15 (you know that’s the threshold where they start to get interested) and I’ve never had any traffic accident

the only speeding ticket I had was at 4am going down the steep ramp from lawrence to bayview… the damn trooper was all uppity “you gunned it” and shit (77 in a 50… court date dropped it to 65 so no points, $54) nevermind the fact that I was probably at 80 at the bottom of the ramp and I coasted all the way to the stoplight where he pulled out

point is many of the laws aren’t necessarily bad in theory, it’s the application and justification that are the problem, if the cop sees two cars speeding even near each other he could then charge both parties with racing and you get expensive legal bills even if you are innocent… so you are punished in either case

just like insurance will jack you for having tickets, the ticket might be $100 fine, but the insurance fine will be $1000 per year for X years…

always fight tickets

never admit guilt/fault

it’s not about fairness and admitting mistakes, they can and will screw you if you let them, and sometimes they will screw you when you aren’t looking, it is a war between you and them, never surrender, they fight dirty, don’t give them anything

Well said Bob.

It’s summer. Stuff like this comes out EVERY summer. Why are you guys so fired up THIS time.

And I’m with Lucky and others on this one.

Don’t act/drive like a dick.
Don’t drive a heap that gets negative attention.
Maybe try sitting up in your seat the way it was intended.
Perhaps try wearing you ballcap straight

You do those few things and you’ll be fine

Maybe try sitting up in your seat the way it was intended. Perhaps try wearing you ballcap straight

You do those few things and you’ll be fine[/quote]

hahaha dan you are one funny man.

move to niagara where half the cops are hard parking streetracers

DTS - While this organized street racing you speak of may not be as dangerous and fatal as impromptu street racing, it is infact what drives cops to think street racing to be a problem and book every car that looks the part. It’s the FnF “you still got this tit if you lose, but you’ll get the other one too if you win” thing that passes all these laws to try and put an end to people’s passion and creativity, even when they choose to exercise it in a safe and LEGAL manner.

ive seen plenty of videos where theres an organized street race and a mustang looses control and kills a kid and the mom i believe. it was posted on something like “www.streetvideo.com” or watever. that popular site that has all types of videos.

anyways the point is, there is always mistakes that can happen and it takes 1 mistake where its not worth it. all you saying that oh its never happend before, grow up. just becuase it hasnt happend we should all think that it will never happend? just because YOU dont know anyone that has been hurt justifies for the million that live in the province? i don’t think so.

i’m sure everyone thought the same about 9/11. oh that shit will never happen. but guess what. it happend and mistakes do happen in this world of ours.

straight to the point, drive by the rules and u’ll be fine.

do stupid shit in parking lots or what not as long as no innocent bystander can get hurt. its public roads and is meant for all types of people.

i would hate to see some punk ass kid drive like an idiot and crash into car carrying a baby. grow up, think of others. if you wanna kill yourself and have a thrill join the military on the front lines. don’t jepordize the lives of others while you have your fun.

and i know of 2 people who have died from street racing. well not know but went to my highschool. one civic crashed into a firetruck in mississauga. 2 people have died on creditview (one on the bridge of the 401) and one at an intersection.

all 3 of these incidences were from street racing. now tell me, just cause your friend’s that you know havn’t gotten into accidents yet, doesn’t mean it has never happend. don’t gimme that bullshit “oh ive never seen it, so its not likely to happen”

oh btw, to all the people who say fuck the police. i would love you guys to say that when either your dying and they help and save your life or they are rushing to your house to save your loved ones from dying. police have a strict roll to do and they do it well. yes sometimes they can be asses, but think about it. its for the better for the greater amt of people. Utilitarianism. grow the fuk up.

im really not to impressed by the thought of being harassed, i have a habit of accelerating faster than regular traffic from a street light. its happened before that the person behind me thinks im racing or something and will pin it and pass me once the lanes are clear, if i cop saw this he would arrest me for street racing and give me a criminal record, even though i wanted no part in racing.

the only good thing i can see in this, is that for something to be a criminal offence, it means that they have to prove it BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT that you were infact street racing

actually, you will find if you actually go out to those places that the police will tell you 80% of the time straight up that they have no problem with it aslong as it is in a closed off street and organized. They hardly hand out street racing tickets at organized events and usually come to just break it up and send everyone home, or ticket the hell out of the bunk unsafe cars that are there. They will infact tell you that they do not tolorate street racing at traffic lights. however there are always exceptions and dick cops who dont like either. But ive had atleast 4 cops tell me that as they break it up.