Hello via BlackBook

I think you just answered your own question.

Yeah Dell support apparently sucks ass now. I haven’t had to use them but my little brother has the same laptop I have and his CD drive died one night. Dell got a new one to him a few days later no questions asked.

As far as desktops go, I built one 6 months ago and I am more than impressed with its performance. Plus, I am my own customer support.

Not sure of the logistics of it, but Apples will run Windows without an emulator. Its a straight up one or the other choice now. You can boot the computer up in either XP or OSX.

Yes. Apple even has the software to help you load up XP


Personally I like the Indians in Dell support. They don’t know enough english to ask questions, they just give you what you want. I got 3 years of @ Home service with mine, and when someone put a pepsi in my laptop bag :bloated: and it exploded and my laptop drank it, they sent me out a new motherboard, installed no questions asked, the next morning. I also got them to give me a whole new casing because i cracked a corner of mine, again installed at my apt the next morning.

In terms of understanding them, its iffy. In terms of new parts, fast, they rock.

Why not just buy a conventional PC then? Unless they want the “hip” image of owning a Mac.

they look pretty

I have no problems understanding them. Robert and Veronica are practically like the coolest mf’ers in the world, but it’s just their policies that tick me off.

Would you prance around if you owned a Mac?

I do think that Apple makes better hardware. I never bought one because of its lack of compatibility. There are times, like when I am doing Photoshop, I wish I had an Apple. Being able to run both OS’s on a superior piece of equipment is a big :tup:

new macs = pc’s

So… any advantage to a Mac laptop vs a Windows laptop dual booting windows and linux?

Eh, they’re fairly compatible now. Not like the old days!

I’ve had no problem sharing files between my PC and the Apple. Both love eachother.

I like how my computer purchase has started a debate.

Just wait until I buy my first new car.

10 years from now. :frowning:

You’re totally gonna buy one of those chinese cars based on the interior or something and piss people off

Well, see, I hope by that time Alfa Romeo will be back in the US…

Apples nowadays are still superior hardware-wise than PCs, but don’t you worry, the steady decline is continuing.

howie likes to edit his posts

One month update:

First computer I am 100% happy with.


piece of shit!

Uh oh sounds like someone needs Apple Care