Hi everybody!

I believe I said the same thing to him haha.

Don is one of the only people in WNY I would ever pay for work on my cars.

Both lower ball joints, brakes on the cackord IV and she is as good as new! Thanks again dude

No problem thanks guys. If anyone needs anything this week let me know. I’m out for the weekend for my bachelor party :slight_smile:

Lots of stuff has happened in the past month, one of them being I got married. I’m back from the honeymoon and it’s time to get back to work. If anyone needs anything fixed feel free to PM me and as always I’m sure I can get you taken care of. :slight_smile:

Awesome man.

Welcome to the club!

Thanks Skrapper!


Congratulations :tup:

Bump, I fix cars, message me if you or someone you know needs one fixed :slight_smile:

Open appointments this week. PM me if you or any friends and relatives need anything.

Thanks for the tires don! can’t wait to try them out.

No problem, trans cooler line quote coming monday morning when I get a price from the dealer on the lines :slight_smile:

Thanks for doing a great job on the Saturn. Don makes sure that everything is 100 percent right before he sends you out with the car. No hack jobs or rushed jobs at all. My wipers work again and my steering isn’t clunking, thanks!

No problem, glad you are happy.

I have open appointments this coming week for anyone who needs to get in. Tires, repairs etc.

I’m going to bring this back up to let you guys know how awesome Don/his work is. I contacted him last week to change out a wheel bearing since I noticed my car making a funny noise/vibration. This was not at all the best timing since I was planning on leaving Thursday morning @ 9AM for my vacation up to the ADK region and had plans to take my car on the 1000 +/- mile trip. When I asked Don if he wanted to do the work, he offered to do it on Tuesday which worked good since I needed it by Thursday. He also quoted me right on the spot and even offered to get the parts. I dropped the car off, he offered to show me what the issue was and boy was I surprised…

My wheel bearing wasn’t the issue…I had other problems to deal with and there was a list starting for things I needed done. Don gave me some options right on the spot and I agreed to leave my car with him so that he could fix everything and get me back on the road in time for my trip.

I’ll cut to the chase here…If you are looking for honest, quality work, Don is your guy. He will tell everything you need to know and get the job done and his rates are super reasonable for the quality of work. Thanks again, my car made the trip without a hiccup and I will be coming back to you for any of my future work. ( lets hope it isn’t as severe as this was lol)

I have to second this. Don’s work is absolutely phenomenal and he doesn’t hesistate to show you what’s wrong in detail.

Don has always been great in my book…

Thanks guys. I took a break from side work for a little while due to starting a new full time job but I think I may start taking on work again. So while I will not be available every day if your schedule works with my schedule and vice versa then getting things done shouldn’t be an issue :slight_smile:

He also smokes a mean meat!!! #BBQ
