Hi everybody!

Food tastes 99% of what it used to. Don’t be a… HATER…

Don, are you going to be around tomorrow? I need to change out my snows.

ill be around

I need to get my ghey vw in the air, to have some stuff checked over. However, I’m not going to pay for it. LOL! Ha!


Oh you are clearly from EA…

how much do you charge to replace the both cv boots on a 99 nissan maxima? please pm me a price. thanks


Props to Don for doing some work for me. Did it sooner and faster than I expected, and as advertised by the other speeders, top notch work.

:tup: to a real stand up dude. Thanks again.

Yeah so I should probably post up for my friend who had Don do some brake work on his F-bod. My friend was impressed and is very pleased with the work. He said that he will definitely hold on to your number for future work.

Props to Don!!! :tup:

Didn’t see this. Thanks guys.

In all honesty, I am soo happy to be doing regular work again. And on my own.

I still do performance for those who ask but it is soo much easier for me to offer good service and keep my customers happy when doing regular work.

I have a couple big projects I’m working on for a couple customers.

However I make time to do the regular stuff to keep the doors open and food on the table so thank you all for the thoughts when it comes to fixing your cars.

Don :slight_smile:


Don, wanna pull the rest of the AC stuff out of my Z? I know how much you love that car :wink: But seriously. We had to yank the compressor and cut the lines when bleeding the coolant (did it kinda fast-and-dirty since it’s not like that shit is going back in to a track-only car) and I figure I might as well have someone remove the rest of the AC related crap and probably the washer fluid bottle (know you love THAT too) … since I kinda cracked it on the curbing at NHIS last fall, doh.

Throw me a PM w/ price/avail, I’ll be coming back through Buf from Nelson Ledges on Sunday and could drop the car with you then, or do it another time. Or you could not want to, which I’d understand hehe

Don look at all these happy folks- You need a real place, Quality techs are hard to find.

Dear Don,

Thank you very very much for your great work today. I am very very pleased with your excellent work.

As long I am here in Buffalo area, I will definitely go back to you for any car work.

Thank you!

can u do a 02 bung on my buddies car?

Been there done that :wink: I just want to finish school and become an auto teacher and pass on what I know to the wee lads in hopes of them being able to be quality techs.

I do my best I’m glad you are happy.

I can’t really weld worth a damn I haven’t done it in soo long, but Gary can PM DeviousTSi.

Don :slight_smile:


Don, can you rebuild a Mitsubishi Lancer tranny for me?

I need my lawn mowed. Interested???

I’ll supply the Jagerbombs!!

That would be the ultimate Job. I’ve investigated the thought, but dont have the time or energy to go back to do a masters degree. ECC auto tech down on 20 has a few retiring this year.

That is the beauty of it, you could get a transitional certificate and start working and then take classes on your own time. I’m hoping to get in somewhere. Thanks for the pointer :slight_smile: