HOLY SHIT!!! Do you know what you just wrecked!


Wow, you completely missed/avoided the point of my entire argument

irrelevant, I have better things to do then have dumb dumb arguments on here… enjoy



fuck that its not ok. Insurance is shit since that car will never be the same again and they may not cover the mods. They CERTAINLY wont cover the labor that it took to install the mods.

Lets see…spend months looking for a cherry car that is becomin rare…
Spend months working to buy mods…
Spend weeks sweating and bleeding to install the mods…

Some stupid fuck takes all that away from you due to their incompetence…

Kid has every right to fucking flip…
Some peoples heart and soul are in their cars since they did all the work… they didnt pay some fucking shop to do it.


wait I think you missed what you said…