HOLY SHIT!!! Do you know what you just wrecked!

lol ow… that sucks litterly…

Did you see the bronco was turning left. If some one let him turn none of this would of happened. :gotme: Every one is out for them self and that is it. We wonder why peaple are asses.

[quote=“FROG U,post:62,topic:34017"”]

Did you see the bronco was turning left. If some one let him turn none of this would of happened. :gotme: Every one is out for them self and that is it. We wonder why peaple are asses.



So the line of traffic should RANDOMLY stop to give someone turning left the right of way, CREATING THE EXACT SAME SITUATION ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD. Not to mention if someone decides to go around the right of the person who decided to let the left turn guy through (just like the first 2 cars did to the bronco), then we have the potential for someone to get T-Boned.

Good Call. People ARE assholes.

EDIT: Who the fuck are you?

I see old people ignore right of way laws in the name of courtesy all the time. Everyone has to then scramble to avoid the impending disaster created by some fossil behind the wheel who can’t understand that those laws are there for a reason. Well, they probably just don’t remember the laws, or know where they are…

I’m new here. Hi how are you doing nice to meet you. That is why we have brake lights and commences is the factor. Some states you can not pass on the right. S.C you cant because I was pulled over down there. Its just my thought every one has a different opinion I just said mine. don’t get mad at me. I would of let the guy turn I have before. That is why we shouldn’t ride on some ones ass just for that reason.

traffic law > your opinion

I hope you don’t drive based on your opinion of the traffic situation.

[quote=“FROG U,post:65,topic:34017"”]

I would of let the guy turn I have before. That is why we shouldn’t ride on some ones ass just for that reason.


I hope you mean when you’re stopping anyways, because if you stop when you have the right of way you shouldn’t be driving.


Wow again, you do not know what you are talking about, many of times I have been cut a check for installation costs that I have done myself, there are waivers on your insurance policy that state how much you will get for an estimation of how much work it takes to put something on, the last insurance check I got the rate was $96 an hour, you DO NOT have to take a car to a shop to do the work.

Again, educate yourself first, then speak… :smash2:


Wow, you completely missed/avoided the point of my entire argument

irrelevant, I have better things to do then have dumb dumb arguments on here… enjoy

[quote=“FROG U,post:65,topic:34017"”]

I’m new here. Hi how are you doing nice to meet you. That is why we have brake lights and commences is the factor. Some states you can not pass on the right. S.C you cant because I was pulled over down there. Its just my thought every one has a different opinion I just said mine. don’t get mad at me. I would of let the guy turn I have before. That is why we shouldn’t ride on some ones ass just for that reason.


i think you’re missing the point where you’re simply exchanging a car stopped in a lane for another car stopped in a lane.


Wow, you completely missed/avoided the point of my entire argument

irrelevant, I have better things to do then have dumb dumb arguments on here… enjoy



fuck that its not ok. Insurance is shit since that car will never be the same again and they may not cover the mods. They CERTAINLY wont cover the labor that it took to install the mods.

Lets see…spend months looking for a cherry car that is becomin rare…
Spend months working to buy mods…
Spend weeks sweating and bleeding to install the mods…

Some stupid fuck takes all that away from you due to their incompetence…

Kid has every right to fucking flip…
Some peoples heart and soul are in their cars since they did all the work… they didnt pay some fucking shop to do it.


wait I think you missed what you said…


wait I think you missed what you said…


LOL. I cant believe how dense you are. ahahahah

In the event that was going on with all the traffic It would be a good jester and a lot of the cars were going slow. Now that some one is turning the guy behind him stop and then was hit in the ass, now hit the guy in front of him is now in the left lane which could of cause a crash in that lane. The right side of the road was ruff. Would you drive on it if you have a nice set of wheels to fuck up. Remember NY roads suck.
I’m pretty shore there was some tickets handed out for tale getting. The guy in the RX7 and the town car. In all it sucks to have your car smashed up. Remember SHIT happens.


LOL. I cant believe how dense you are. ahahahah


I can’t believe that you are trying to back track on what you said, when I have gotten checks from insurance companies that state something you said won’t happen.

I get the point. sorry you are right. any how the town car was not paying attention. So lets all have a beer and enjoy the good weather.

[quote=“FROG U,post:71,topic:34017"”]

In the event that was going on with all the traffic It would be a good jester and a lot of the cars were going slow. Now that some one is turning the guy behind him stop and then was hit in the ass, now hit the guy in front of him is now in the left lane which could of cause a crash in that lane. The right side of the road was ruff. Would you drive on it if you have a nice set of wheels to fuck up. Remember NY roads suck.
I’m pretty shore there was some tickets handed out for tale getting. The guy in the RX7 and the town carIn all it sucks to have your car smashed up. Remember SHIT happens.




lol your right FireFox sucks. I tried plus Iv have some drinks cheers

this thread < every other thread ever made

i cant believe i just read this whole thing…

and i still can’t believe there’s any argument at all here…

the lincoln was completely in the wrong…the mazda guy has the right to flip as much as he wants, although he won’t gain him anything.

it would have been smart for him to have coverage on his mods/actual value of the car, but it’s not his responsibility to do so.

And all the money in the world can’t replace a car to some people…that thing looked mint. Even if he finds another one just as clean, it’s not HIS car, not the one he put all his time and money into…and if that one isn’t totaled, it’ll never be the same.

There was no real gain in him flipping out…but, i have no idea how any of you can be sticking up for the lincoln kid, siding against somebody who was rear ended and completely not at fault.


it would have been smart for him to have coverage on his mods/actual value of the car, but it’s not his responsibility to do so.


wait, what?!? So its not your responsibility to make sure your car has insurance :eyebrow:

it’s not his responsibility to compensate for other’s stupidity…

what i said is that duh, he has to have insurance…but he shouldn’t HAVE TO get classic coverage, or coverage for his mods, or some special expensive plan to cover what the car is actually worth to him…by having any insurance, he’s meeting the only obligation he has…

It’s just a car anyway you look at it. Sucks, but just a car.