HOLY SHIT!!! Do you know what you just wrecked!

I’d laugh if the camera operator got charged with creating a bottle neck and had to pay.


he was not on the shoulder.
he was directly behind a stalled bronco in the middle of the lane.

if he had not slowed down to look cool to the honda guys, he prolly would have crashed into the truck.


you’re right… I didn’t even notice that.


fuck that its not ok. Insurance is shit since that car will never be the same again and they may not cover the mods. They CERTAINLY wont cover the labor that it took to install the mods.

Lets see…spend months looking for a cherry car that is becomin rare…
Spend months working to buy mods…
Spend weeks sweating and bleeding to install the mods…

Some stupid fuck takes all that away from you due to their incompetence…

Kid has every right to fucking flip…
Some peoples heart and soul are in their cars since they did all the work… they didnt pay some fucking shop to do it.


Hey dumb fuck, if the asshat isn’t as large of a toolbag as you are, and actually had his mods stated on his insurance they do cover installation… nice try to look intelligent thought.


moreso at the comments in this thread

ask Chris N. if he freaked out when his lotus got rear ended.


Hey dumb fuck, if the asshat isn’t as large of a toolbag as you are, and actually had his mods stated on his insurance they do cover installation… nice try to look intelligent though.


we know hes not intelligent, let him try though.


ask Chris N. if he freaked out when his lotus got rear ended.


hell yea…newman was trying to calm the poor kid down, Chris N. was cracking his knuckles spitting and had smoke coming out of his ears.

From the title of the thread I thought a Bugatti got hit…


ask Chris N. if he freaked out when his lotus got rear ended.


who the fuck is that?


who the fuck is that?


nyspeed’s biggest badass.


nyspeed’s biggest badass.


then I shall challenge him to an Arm Wrestling match.


I got the whole shit.
I got the whole shit.
I got the whole shit right heeeere
I got the whole shit.
I got the whole shit.


then I shall challenge him to an Arm Wrestling match.



^ wtf, he looks 12 yrs old?



^ wtf, he looks 12 yrs old?


now he’s 25.

just imagine how things have progressed.


now he’s 25.

just imagine how things have progressed.


well, 13 years of 'roids? …so what you’re saying is that his penis has become an inny by now?

Holy christ talk about manly, ripped his damn pants right open flexing his arms.


well, 13 years of 'roids? …so what you’re saying is that his penis has become an inny by now?


pics for proof


I thought a good quote the lincoln guy should have said was “whoa, calm down there Vin Diesel!”