HOLY SHIT!!! Do you know what you just wrecked!

bottom line, the FoMoCo product driver was at fault.

regardless of how heartless you are about other peoples property and how much you say “its just a car” right now, you arent going to be too happy having your toys smashed/broken right in front of you by some nitwit.


:lol: Which FoMoCo product?


shoulda hit the motherfucker harder.


You definitely fit ly555is’s profile of a fucking retard. Anyone going that fast, that has to lock up the brakes like 50-60 feet back like that deserves whatever they get.


if i was the old man i would have gotten in my car and hit it again right after he shut the fuck up, i would ask him if he was done yet.


Oh and apparently you’re blind too, since that guy in the Grand Marquis wasn’t “old”. Hit it again? I hope your just trying to get a rise out of people, and your not serious. If you serious however, then seriously get the fuck off an automotive enthusiast website.

<3 sarcasm u ass. and u my friend are the fucking retard here for taking anything i said in that post seriously. so you should probably leave now for not having any common sense. kthanxbye.


:lol: Which FoMoCo product?


touche! (sp?)

though at that time were ford and mazda in bed as much as they are now?
