Hot Rod Etest

Nox is the only shit that fucks us…

Report back with the results, i really want to know how this works out :cool:

wont be until February lol. well later actually. when i pull the car out for summer next year.

but sure! lol

i know its off topic but is it true that if your car is 20 years old there is no need for emissions, because my car is a 90 so when i put it on the road next year will i need to do an emssions test??

easy search would give amazing results.

87 and earlier never needs emissions testing again
88 and later will always need emissions testing

alright thanks alot

went to get my etest done today and that hot rod stuff paid off for me… the guys at the shop just freaked out when they saw the car,i didnt even have to ask,dude was like “this is a hotrod for real” and was more curious than me to see the results as my cams are MAD lumpy.

i even sat in the car on the passenger side with my wideband and labtop and was adjusting the fuel mixture as needed throughout the test lol.

this is my 1st legit etest! i always get the steve wonder special, where the car pass n no1 saw shit lol.

i feel so law abiding now:)

sooo. I just failed my E-test.

Does anyone know if its true that if you fail your e-test twice your car gets in a nutshell, “Blackflagged”. My buddy just passed this by me and made me a bit wary. I figured I’d just add more meth the next time, now i’m double thinking.

Also, does any one know the “limits” for hot rod status? just curious if I would have passed under the status. I did request to test under “hot rod” and the operator complied, however, it turns out he tested my car under regular status. I found out afterwards…dickface.

Hell no. That is complete bullshit lol.

Hot rod runs much MUCH higher limits. If you don’t pass under hot rod. You SHOULD get the car checked out Mike. Something could be wrong impacting fuel mileage and performance/reliability.

Thanks Chris, figured it was BS.

I requested to test under hot rod, but it turns out they did not test me under hot rod.
My Idle limits were fine, however when they ran it, I failed. I didn’t fail by much tho in each category.

That’s why I’m assuming if I were tested under hot rod, I probably would have passed.

Mike. That 2 test rule is BS. The only thing about that is that if you fail Twice and then get a fake one done, then it raises flags. Like if it’s pissing fuel and carbon like no tomorrow twice and then all of sudden tests cleaner than nuns twot, then it raises flags.

I see. Looking to pass legitimately, under hot-rod status however.

Just that I’m on my second 10 day and need to pass, ASAP. Prefer not to deal with getting dealer plates, etc.

These are the MAX for each hope it helps…

…ASM 2525…Curb Idle
HC PPM: 318… 300
CO%: 2.52…1.50
NO ppm: 3353… None

Mike, post up your numbers and dump more of the good stuff in next time. 2 litres half tank 94 do it.

^^ Thanks Polar.

So I guess under hot rod limits, I would have passed. Almost…lol

My test results:

         ASM2525 TEST.....CURB IDLE TEST

HC PPM 168…85
CO% 2.58…0.03
NO PPM 1313…N/A

Well from personal experience, i found running re-circ made a huggeee difference .

Run it REAL HARD right before to get the cattie hot.

I passed under KA status doing donuts in parking lot before.

The only thing you should be having problems with passing is NOx because we dont have EGR’s there fore exhaust gas is’nt getting recirculated and our exhausts get pretty hot…but if your motor is running properly it should pass I dunno why your CO is sooo high.

Not sure either. I do have an exhaust leak from the exhaust mani to turbo. Replacing the gasket before my next e-test. hopefully that helps.

lol come on man thats a guarantee fail…