How Do We End This once and For All?

Ok guys we all know the Street racing problem. So Here is the question .

Would a track in toronto solve this problem?. If u think so (so do I) But are You willing to sdo something about it?

  1. Where would we put it?

  2. Is the Tuner community willing to give 3% of their mod money? ( i am)

  3. How do we bring it to the government ? Petition? Letter? City Pulse? lol I think we should challenge this Steven Harper fellow :roll: to put up or shut up!! (Match every cent we make!)

Please take this thread serious guys and voice your opinion and lets do something and stop talking about it.

3% of my mod money? Yeah right!

good idea but it would not get those gay street racers that get a rush from racing on the street, or those races where you pull up to a stop light and the person beside you challenges you, to come, and these are the people that actually cause the accidents most of the time. i would be for it though as i would love a track nice and close :slight_smile:

there are already 3 tracks in the gta…

im thinking downsview park its a whole lot of nothing.

What’s wrong with woodbridge racetrack??

isnt woodbine racktrack for horses?!

He said Woodbridge -___-;; :o

Not gunna fly… Just look at how many people from this club go to the track… like on a regular basis… and the costs couldn’t be any cheaper.

I don’t think it will work out.

Out of curiousity, where did you get the 3% from? Seems like you would have to have a TON of people in this… like tens of thousands of people. Do you know how much realestate is worth in TO? and like 50acres… not to mention noise restrictions.


use san fransico as an example… I think it was there, the police stopped modded cars and encouraged them to participate in events they organized at a local 1/4 mile track…

apparently it worked wonders there

Yeah I like that race the cops Idea that san fran had, that would be awsome to race cops legaly! I good spot for a racetrack would be near the airport, where Area 51 paintball is. Theres space there and since its an airport there shouldn’t be many noise complaints

No matter how many tracks cops put up there will always be organized and unorganized street races. And frankly no matter how negativly you think about street racing just about everyone in this forum lets their car “stretch its legs” now and then. Wether it’s in a race agiasnt someone or just a quick sprint, we all do it. What I think cops should do it decrease speeding ticket prices and demerit points lost if a organize race, or person is caught speeding ina rural no housed area, and increase penatlies in city/ towns. This way the people that will race on the street will at least go somewhere where they can only injure themselves.

I like the thing about the rural roads, that makes a lot of sense. Now with these harsher laws on racing, what are the cops going to define as “street racing” like full blown racing event kind of thing (F&F 1 stlyle lol) or just two guys doing a quick jaunt from a set of lights but now going to excessive speeds, I mean like 120 in an 80 kind of thing

uhm, I don’t think the cops were racing, just organizing to some extent and promoting…

3% of my mod money for a full-blown track? haha I’m in.

But like everyone said - it would never fly. Ever.

I spend more than the “average” guy… at least on this site, and 3% is only what, maybe 300 a year at best?

you have zero knowledge of what acreage and property taxes are in the GTA if you think you could gather the funding for this :slight_smile:

I estimate you would need approx 250,000-300,000 people to pay “3% of their modding money” to get the licensing, development of the land, the land itself, the permits and building of the track. That covers the first year :smiley: I hope you’re successful!

few things
a) As has been stated the majority of ‘sterrt races’ are beteeen two goofs in thier parents cars, at a light , spur of the moment… these are people who won’t go to a track nor care about others they could put in danger. They are a write off, similar to the A holes in SUV’s or mom’s in minivans doing 80 in a shcool zone. self involved arrogance.

b) you can pretty much guarentee that NO new motorparks,/tracks will be built anywhere close to an urbanized zone in Ontario ever again. Bylaws and goverment bias see to that. if you want to try and get a pusedo track at some point put together then contact buttonville airport or Downsview armory/airstrip. to set up a night time or sundown event. Dont’ forget even you get the go ahead you still need to come up with insurance… good luck getting an underwriter for that.

c) A track based on the minimum NHRA specs is 1.5million to build. that’s the minimum and the NHRA spec is what most underwriters will look for. Bradford was trying to get one built , even had the blessing of the mayor and the council of bradford, they had the land and a NHRA architech in hand… they still didn’t get it off the ground.

The ONLY possiblity you have now is to build well outside the urban zones, or to contact a municipal/regional airstrip to rent time on. A good example of this is dunville…

if you hae the money then there are ways to get land, build a’track’ and have it outside the mucipal/provincial bylaws… but it requres that you fall under federal jurisdiction… which is not bad.

I don’t think were talking about the same thing (mine might not have been in San Fran though) but I saw it on TV a bunch of times, they had diesel trucks, cars, bikes all racing the cops and stuff.

The more tracks around the better the way i see it

frankly I don’t see how my $12 will accomplish anything

I hear the whole insurance bit all the time when it comes to a new track, but I don’t get it? I’m assuming Cayuga, Shannonville, and St Thomas all have insurance. So why wouldn’t a new track be able to get it??