I am looking for product ideas


how much would it be to take a pully and shrink it ~20% in diameter?
“they” sell for ebay for ~$40 or something…

Buy it now for $170???:lol:
I would make them all day if I could get $170!!!
Why are they so much more than the other ones?
Is it the name brand?

they want that because its an unorthedox racing underdrive pulley.

they were the 1st ones to make one for the LD9 that I know of…
it’s been around forever.

there is another on ebay colled Bomz racing, but I cant say i would trust it…
there was a GP on a stock size, light weight set running at $165 including an alt. pulley

if i’m ever going to spend money for a pully, then it will also underdrive :slight_smile:
a friend ordered from the GP, had it shipped to me and has yet to pick them up :slight_smile:

mount adapters for the 2.4 swap into a neon…also egr block off plates???

Here are some samples of muti-stage cylinders we make.

Here are some air tanks we make.
The one on top gets shipped out of state but the bottom ones are for a local customer.

And I couldn’t resist posting a picture of my beautiful daughter in her little gnome cap.:smiley:

ok 1 more post because I love this thing.

It is an ultra modern wine rack I made.
My COST was almost $200.00.:eek:
It is a prototype so it is not polished yet.

whats the cost on this product?

totally a democrat in the making


We will see.:baby:

you have a pm sir :slight_smile:

are they cnc or manual ?

emachineshop.com never lines my designs, apparently they have a manual mill and my shits to complicated …

fuck yea i rock the shit outta that program. i need to start rendering my ideas lol. do you have the software to convert the inventor files over to mill files? if not i THINK i still know how to write the cam codes for a CNC router.

All CNC 3 and 4 axis baby.

Here are the wheel adaptors I made.
(They are prototypes so I didn’t bother to plate them.)
I made sets to bolt onto 112mm Audi and 100mm VW.
The reason I call them adaptors is because the studs are 114.3mm but the holes are Audi/VW 112mm/100mm.
I originally made them because I have three sets of wheels for my Evolution
that I couldn’t use on my Audi.
Now I can.:slight_smile:
I might face them off to be a little thinner so the wheels tuck in better under the A4 fenders.
Like I mentioned before I made them thicker for strength but, I think .625" steel might be a bit of overkill.:slight_smile:

Honda Civics seem to be popular with kids so I made some shift knobs for them.
The picture shows the knob in a 6000# Dodge truck, surprisingly they fit.:biglaugh:
I tried it on my truck just for kicks and it fit.:gotme:
Being in a truck, the knob is kind of beat up in the picture after years of work.

I actually have a really good idea for you.


Check that laptop stand out…and tell me if you’re interested. If you can one-up that design, I am positive they’ll sell. Those are 100 each and they’re never in stock (they just came out). Do you have a “minimum order”?
