I am looking for product ideas

That looks like something we could produce with more of a custom look.
Does it need to have the carrying case for $99 or do you think there is enough a market that DJs would pay for a better looking product without a carrying case?
Maybe the carrying case is important.:shrug:

I think carrying case is a plus but not necessary. I know for myself carrying everything in 4 packages is a plus, but if it had to be sacrificed to beat them at it, I’m sure it would work out alright. Everyone probably uses a laptop case anyways, so as long as it folds up I don’t see a problem. Have any brilliant ideas?

Requirements would have to be simple:

  • As adaptable as possible to height/angles and laptop sizes
  • Folds up, small/easy to carry
  • Would have to beat the brand name one on price and hopefully features

^ One idea I had was to design it so when it is disassembled the fasteners could be used to tie it together in a cute little bundle.:gotme:
You know, like Transformers - More than meets the eye.:biglaugh:

Red or blue anodize would make it look sweeeeeet.

those are basically what i am talking about…just change hub bore and bolt pattern accordingly

I called you and left a voicemail …

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to all of you yet.
I have bean quite busy lately.

I would definately like to explore a lot of the good ideas I have seen.
Getting hit with them all at once is exciting but challanging.

That’s a solid idea.

I’ma gauge interest - let me know if you have any solid ideas or questions, and what the next step is for you. I would at least want one :slight_smile:

What is the maximum dimension allowances for your CNC made parts? w/d/h?

^ To answer that question.

I got a handful of PMs and interest…let me know what it takes to get something done if you’re interested. I’d be down to buy one just for myself even.

Do you know how wide that rack needs to be?
The picture has all of the other dimensions but not the width.
I would need to make several to make it worth while.
Maybe we can work something out.

for shits and giggles…how much would a set of 1 of wheels cost a guy 17"x7.5 aluminum

If I had that capacity I would already be turning wheels.:smiley:
Mori Seiki actually makes a lathe just for turning wheels!!!
I think it is more than $200,000.00!!!
That would be much fun.

that would be sweet

awdrifter, i have a company interested in marketing the product i pmed you about, im still working on nailing the design down perfect, and then ill forward you a dfx file for cost estimations

I have a fully robotic coordinate measuring machine:cool: if you need assistance with dimensions.

Ball joint extenders for MacPherson strut cars?

The machining looks pretty straight forward I would just need dimensions.

word…so us lowered folk can bring our control arms back to 90 degress

How many for $400.00?