IC: Skid pad/ practise days in open lots

I may be pissing on a forest fire here but it’s a start.
First off, if you haven’t already, check out the discussion here http://www.son240sx.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41955 :ugh2:

There are some people talking seriously about making shit happen to grow drifting.
Parking lots are a great idea but we just don’t have the support to make a real event (like others have said) We should try to do a joint race with the autox guys. A timed event where drifting is not prohibited. To show that we have control but can put on a show.
Sorry but a pure drift day in a lot will have WAY too many people spinning out and make us all look like amateurs. A gymkhana type thing will look way more professional.

100% we need to be sanctioned. Even if you get permission to drift in someones lot, it’s still street racing unless you are sanctioned. I was part of CASC when the law was being written! We tried everything to keep our rights. We almost lost ALL grassroots motorsports that had anything to do with parking lots. Rally was within inches of being canned! Because we are racing on public roads (closed off and sanctioned but roads nonetheless). CASC had to hire a lawyer to go to the government discussions to persuade them to let us keep the grassroots alive! Even now, every single rally is a crap shoot hoping everyone behaves themselves so we can run the next one.

So please, do what you can to grow the sport, but don’t break the law just because you don’t know it. :gtfo:
I read everything I could and talked to everyone I could about this stuff just to make sure what I was doing was legal.
All it takes is one jckss with a cscs sticker on his windshield to get a street racing ticket and the whole club goes under.:bash:

Try using some damn punctuation!

yet another useless comment. I am so sorry mister english prof proof read it for me and stfu

Stfu and go get your education. Your comment is useless because it’s grammatically retarded.

I didn’t even read it. I looked at it and saw a giant blob of text and dismissed it as garbage.

i do believe i have my education thanks and im sorry that at 1 in the morning i was to tired to go back and make sure all my grammer was up to SON standards. Again i apologize but if all you have time for is to run around and be a little e-thug then your wasting your time i was trying to help a situation by giving some feedback and yet again everyone has to start flamming.

Thanks for backing up my statement. SON is going to the shitter :frowning:

Spiraling - clockwise or counterclockwise?

awesome response to an accusation of poor grammar and spelling. Especially since there’s spell-check on the boards.

Okay honestly everyone needs to stop acting like children every topic people start gets some helpful tips and some criticism but basically we are all here for the same fucking reason and that is to support our cause and to grow as a car community.

I don’t care if you think what I’m saying is stupid but just let it go and lets get back on topic, if your willing to put the effort in to get this going me and my brother are both in. I used to work for the Hershey center and I have a couple friends in the Powerade center so I can see about pulling some strings, either that or see if some of the autox guys will let us host events same day. It would cut down on price and we mind as well combine with a sport that’s already taking off just my 2 cents, probably didn’t mean anything so everyone can start flaming again.

Better is everyone happy now?

well this thread went to shit fast…

Clockwise. We’re in the Northern Hemisphere :wink:

…sigh [-(

This was the worst thread I’ve ever read on SON.

The original idea was great. However the ONLY way things work on SON… is if people just get off the computer and DO them. If there is an reasonably priced drift event, people will come. Most of us have enough numbers in their phone to make a bad ass event, without the help of posting on SON 3 months in advance.

Mikey, your idea is good. But you need to just keep pushing ahead with it. Everyone has wanted to e-punch Fobwell in the face at some point or another… but in this case his points were valid. There will be criticism given, and that is just a part of a publicly run event. There IS a lot to just running an event… but its not an insurmountable obstacle.

People like Samson, have incredibly useful and positive comments for this. He will be one of the first people that I will seek advice from, WHEN I find myself in your similar situation.

Regardless, you known an event like this has my full support. Let me know what I can do to help.

gymkhana, drifting,autox im down i just wanna drive

I think E-thug is very misused these days. Go read up what E-thugging really means before you use it. Just because someone told you to go get an education or start spelling properly doesn’t mean that they’re e-thugging.

I actually think I should apologize to everyone. It has come to my attention that a few individuals think I’m overly cocky and I walk around with a chip on my shoulder. People say I walk around thinking I am the best at drifting and look down on everyone. Well, sorry for portraying that image, I truly am.

I guess I’ll leave my advice to myself or to others who actually want to hear it.

Thanks for listening :slight_smile:

id like to hear what u have to say. i think you are a good drifter
just my 3 cents

I never got that vibe from you Samson… it’s probably other drifters who might be jealous.

You are a good drifter and have actually contributed a lot to the SON community. I myself would like to hear what you have to say.

Only people who haven’t met Samson would come to a conclusion like that… In which case, who cares what they think? If someone judged me without knowing me, I’d lol