IC: Skid pad/ practise days in open lots

lol…story of my life.

dj pyro im being a fag because i care to defend myself ya thanks.
like i said theres dumbass faggets like you u guys on the forum to fuck shit up for everyone.

you still dont understand that im trying my best to do something to step the game up dont think it will work thats fine by me im still gona try and it seems liek theres enough guys that want to show they intended to help out.

hohoho killer thread. if this dont go back on topic its gna get locked. stop fighting around… theres a lil humor to calm it down.

Mikey is trying to promote drifting. Granted he is a dumbass, he has all good intentions. I wish more people would put effort into there passion for drifting. Sure he dosn’t know ALL the in’s and out’s, but at least he’s down…

im still gonna kick your ass mikey… for what? idono, but you still dersrve it.

So yea, thank you all for letting us know everybody in the world hates drifting.

now shaddup.

If you wanna work towards making drifting better then lets do somthing. if your going to tell us what we already know… SHADDUP… your not helping.

^^ You can’t work towards making something better if you don’t understand what needs to be improved and step back and see it from an unbiased POV. From what I’ve read in the 3 threads that is striving towards boosting the Drifting scene, it seemed to lack a realistic picture.

If you’re upset that what people posted is not what you wanted to hear, grow up and face reality because it’s the fact. If it weren’t true, drifting in Ontario should have and would have already boomed like it has in Quebec.

All the CRITICISM that was posted was to help you guys do that. If you guys already knew EVERYTHING that was posted, kudos to you.

If not, you should give credit where deserved.

You’re welcome.

PS: If you wanted to help improve the image of drifters, you wouldn’t go driving around like a dickhead causing shit after the biggest drift event in Ontario. Good job. I’d like to see you continue to help the image of drifters. Talk is cheap.

Very good post from both Pete and Samson…I’d say especially Samson since he’s really into drifting but he can at least see this from a non-biased perspective.

Mikey, all you had to do was just take my advice seriously and not call me names. I think you would have had a better chance of getting more interest if you did.

Being unprofessional won’t get you anywhere, even if its on SON.

Just a side note here but to be honest, I’ve always sort of been interested in trying gymkhana out. I know there’s autox events (HADA, etc) that are pretty well established but I don’t think drifting 8’s, S’s, J’s etc will really do much justice for any media source.

Like Samson pointed out, drifters to the general public aren’t really viewed as ‘normal’ people. We’re not easily accepted into everyday society because what we all do as a hobby is pretty extraordinary.

But if you use an already established sport such as autox as your baseline and try to slowly work in the drifting aspect, you might have a solid base to build around.

I’d like to suggest setting up autox style courses in your parking lots and giving users the choice of grip/drift, autox/gymkhana. I think this will generate a lot more interest and if you coordinate timers and such, it would be interesting to compare times. I really think building off of the concept of gymkhana to gain more exposure to drifting in general might work out better in the end in terms of what you want to accomplish.

Just my .02…I think there should be more gymkhana in Ontario imo.


^^ Not a cheapshot, because if you do stupid actions, you should bear the consequences of getting owned. Especially when one tries to make it seem like he is trying his best to improve the sport when his actions prove otherwise.

Comm’on Cal! Get with the program! :slight_smile:

K sorry guys, getting off topic.

I like your idea Ryan. Gymkahana vs AutoX in a black and white judging system!

Sounds good, and most likely could and would be tolerable when viewing from say an owner of the lot or in general those who disagree with the sport of drifting.

Technically, Gymkhana styled auto X could be the excuse to allow all types of drivetrains, motorists and styles of driving to thrive, making things alot more interesting, and less complicated to those opposing a singular type of event (if that makes any sense).

Honest, if drifting doesent work out, then gymkhana should be your second decission.

Think it over…

if you werent such a dumbass all the time half they guys on here would take you serious.
and i would of not taken offense to ur little joke.
as for interest dispite what u said. there still is enough intrest for me to still do this.

Holy Fuck,

You are all a bunch of GAY’s.

Are you guys done trying to see who’s dick is bigger.

Mikey, sit down figure out what local by-laws may effect your quest, call around for insurance quotes. put together a per person price break down.

then approach rich small penis business owners that you plan to pay them for using their lot.

if they agree then success.

Mikey, grow up dude.

You’re just making yourself look like an idiot while trying to organize something…

I’m starting to feel sorry for you.

The people who know me well know when I’m serious and when I’m not. You on the other hand just don’t like me so you wanted to start shit.

keep thinking that way.
uve wasted enough of my time.

stop teh hate

that’s a pretty ugly-looking car

Maybe you dont get it? Usually mark’s humour mimics the seriousness of the post. If its a retarded post, you get a retarded answer.

The fact of the matter is he was very appropriate with his comments, not only was it one of his more intelligent ones, he offered great advice which you chose to ignore. Listen to the guys who have been doing it for a while man, instead of throwing a temper-tantrum like a little kid who just heard they werent allowed to get ice cream after dinner.

Just for Cal.

okay honestly everyone needs to stop acting like children every topic people start gets some helpful tips and some criticism but basically we are all here for the same fucking reason and that is to support our cause and to grow as a car community i dont care if you think what im saying is stupid but just let it go and lets get back on topic man if your willing to put the effort in to get this going me and my brother are both in and i used to work for the hershey center and i have a couple friends in the powerade center so i can see about pulling some strings either that or see if some of the autox guys will let us host events same day. It would cut down on price and mind as well combine with a sport thats already taking off just my 2 cents probably didnt mean anything so everyone can start flameing again