IC: Skid pad/ practise days in open lots

Time to scrap takeit2thetrack.ca and start up takeit2thelot.ca? :slight_smile:

Although I highly doubt this will happen, itā€™d be great if you can prove me wrong.

Personally, I donā€™t think it will happen for $20 - $40 per person IF it does happen.

Also, think about all the tire marks and the bad publicity it will attract.

Samson is right too, the market just isnā€™t big enoughā€¦

To put it all into a quoteā€¦

Drifters in Canada are kinda like the gay community in a country like Dubaiā€¦ you wonā€™t be seeing no Pride Parade anytime soon.

id be down I need to learn lol
guess i need a new ride to though
rwd again here i come

Drifters in Canada are kinda like the gay community in a country like Dubaiā€¦ you wonā€™t be seeing no Pride Parade anytime soon.

Like the gay community?.. Mark do you even know what a clitoris is? j/p

There has to be some marketing done to show big companies that people do appreciate our the sport. This weekend Me and Nick will be talking to TSN, and hopefully i could have an understanding on what the mediaā€™s look on Drifting. Also, for corporations to dump money into drifting i think they will need a broader advertising venue. Personally i think the CSCS events have some serious potential, But DMCC seems to already have huge media outletā€¦ in Quebec.

We have to get a larger series in for the amateurs that are serious, but canā€™t/donā€™t want to be ā€œproā€. More commitment. and LOTS of media, even if Viral(you tube!)

Well before I say what Iā€™m gonna say about drifters, just be dead honest with yourself.

Whatā€™s the point of all these companies pouring all this money into drifting for like 50+ local ā€œdriftersā€ here in Ontario?

I hate to group drifters here all in one group but wouldnā€™t you say that itā€™s made up of mostly broke ass kids who pretty much live pay cheque to pay cheque. Most are probably still in school and work a part-time job just to support their sport.

It would be stupid of companies to put money into a sport and advertise when there really isnā€™t a ā€œmarketā€ if youā€™d like to call it.

Flame me all you one but deep down, I know you agree with me in some ways.

Drifting to me is an art and itā€™s like graffiti.
Sure it may seem cool to some but itā€™s something that really isnā€™t publically accepted.

I see what your saying, but that is the typical Stereotype is it not?

To say drifter are so and soā€¦ is like saying ALL drag racers are dumb ass kids with there civicsā€¦ There is some truth there BUT, thouse are the wannabes! all sports have them.

One of the largest mountains for SERIOUS drifters to climb is to rid the image seen by ignorant people. What i wish i had the power to do is to shift the media focus on the ā€œmatureā€ drifters(not sure how to put it). also to get the newcomers off the streets and have some track timeā€¦ a lot of this discussed else where.

any waysā€¦ you didnā€™t answer my questionā€¦ DONT" GOOGLE ITā€¦ clitoris? what is it?

mark your a fag.
if you have nothing good to say then keep it in.
not everybody has the pleasure of living in oakville where its all peaceful and nice.
takeit2thetrack was going good at one point but there were other prioirities.

so lets see waht have you done for the club?
be a total moron?
talk shit?
ride on everyones dickā€¦
i thik the list keeps going.

i wuld attend. theres a go station in oakvile area that hosted autox events aswell from the miata community. dunno wats needed to host one like that. but they even had time attack for each car.

What does oakville have to do with anything?

So are you trying to say that you live in some tough neighbourhood and that youā€™re a gangster or something? I donā€™t really see what youā€™re getting atā€¦

If you read my post, I did talk about some stuff you probably havenā€™t thought about. Just because it isnā€™t what you wanna hear doesnā€™t mean itā€™s nothing good. Stop being a biased asshole just because you donā€™t like me.

Turboner, as much as it is a stereotype and you donā€™t want to admit it. Itā€™s mostly true. I myself am into 240s and I know a lot of people locally who are into drifting. So donā€™t make it seem like Iā€™m talking out of my ass and that I know nothing about the drift scene.

Mature or not, you gotta start somewhere and drifters are not known to be really rich.

Iā€™m not hating, just making a point here.

clitoris??? whatā€™s that?

no im saying ur a punk from oakville
you dont know what its like to drive around on the streets in toronto.
no one said shit bout being a ganster you homo piece of shit.

in person ur an alright guy but online u make a total fool of your self but im sure you think your mr popular on son and oh so cool when you shit on someones thread.

Then you shouldā€™ve said Iā€™m a punk from Oakville in the first place. How hard was that?

Iā€™ve driven around on the streets in Toronto many times. Whatā€™s the big deal?

Damn, how did you know that I think Iā€™m Mr Popular on SON?

Like I said, youā€™re being a biased asshole. Read my first post in your thread before you started calling me namesā€¦tell me how none of that was helpful.

Now that I think about it, you must be really fucking stupid.

I agree with Mark in the way that Drifting is EXACTLY like graffiti.

Itā€™s very different and tasteful art to some people, but another group of people see it as total defiance and destroying property (ie. tire marks).

Thanks Samson. :slight_smile: At least you arenā€™t biased and actually listened.

stop acting stupid you took a stab at me about takeit2thetrack and i responded.

I understand that everyone in this thread wants drifting to grow exponentially. BUT, in order for that to happen you have to put your mind into corporations and see how they would view it.

You have to view it in their perspective and find out weaknesses in the sport, and then do your research on that and have a counter-statement to provide the company.

No one will succeed in this venture if you cannot spot any weaknesses in Drifting as corporate sponsor.

Understand those weaknesses, work around them, find a solution, and present your ideas to prove to all those potential corporate sponsors that you understand the business world. You have to convince them that the market for drifting can earn them a good profit for them to invest into your idea.

I was actually being seriousā€¦didnā€™t know youā€™d see that as a stab. How is that even a stab? takeit2thelot is reasonable and it makes perfect sense for what you wanna doā€¦

Iā€™m pretty sure if someone else said it, you wouldnā€™t have said what you said to me.

yea cus no one is ignorant as you.
and u like to joke about everything and i didnt appreciate it and i wanted to make sure you knew.

if u were to read my first post i dont mind if ur bashing the idea but for you to bring up takeit2thetrack and bash on it like that jsut ticked me off.
grow up. and leave my thread alone unless u have something of relevance to say.

For fuck sakes, I just said ā€œTime to scrap takeit2thetrack.ca and start up takeit2thelot.ca?ā€

Youā€™re only mad because itā€™s ME saying it. If someone else had said it, you would have seen it as a good idea.

Youā€™re just being biased like I said.

Mark is right. Your thread started out a bit ā€œhopes and dreamsā€-ish, and you responding like a 12 year old doesnā€™t improve your situation or make your ā€œinterest checkā€ seem that credible. Stop being a fag.

And to swing from Markā€™s nuts a little more for you, heā€™s also right about drifting. I love getting sideways, but it doesnā€™t change the fact that a bunch of guys sliding around in a parking lot doesnā€™t look nearly as ā€œcredibleā€ as an auto-X where anyone can understand the whole point of it. Not to mention legalities and the risk of property damage.

Samson is being very realistic here. You canā€™t just look at this from the perspective of someone who thinks drifting is the bestest ever. You have to think of it from the perspective of a 50 year old business owner who only sees a bunch of punk kids fucking up his parking lot.

I think you should prove some of these people wrong.

Itā€™s better to try and fail than to not try at all.

Who knows what can happen. :hitit:
