im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

So being in a “punk” band is a good reason to look like Starwberry Shortcake?

Is this really you??


This thread went from really fucking gay to really fucking funny.

oh now did you. and what firewall were they using, was it hardware or server side software. Now, did you do this from within the school or remote? If i give you my ip addy. right now would you be able to hack any of the 4 computers that i have running on an unsecured router behind nothing but a simple software firewall?

Then chase me down the road and beat the shit out of me :bloated:

Go back to high school

I’m white, he was black. My neighborhood get’s dark at noon. When you have a few grand of bikes in your garage that turns into a problem. Moving out of there thankfully. I’m sick these people walking in the middle of the road like they own the street. Fight where ever they want. Steal from local stores. And tag property that’s not theirs. Fuck them all.

No, they rerouted him into friendster.

You still didn’t answer my question.

Also, I’m aware you’re white. See page 4 for more details.

i used a program called simple sam, and installed it onto once of the addy’s computers which allowed me to use a certain port window to get out. mainly used it to play internet based video games on the school’s pc’s. like call of duty, world of warcraft. shit like that.

That orange hair pic and his phone number should be posted at a bar like Buddies.

It may be his only chance of getting laid

Goddamn. You are way beyond saving. I pity you.

funny funny. how about i tattoo a bar code into your arm and send you marchin?

no i do not believe white people are all honest either. I have my veiws respect that. because of one person? no one person stand for alot. thats why we have a president

ok… thats not hacking a firewall, that is setting up a simple local proxy to evade a web blocker. There are very few pwople on this site that i believe could get into my computers in under 10 min or at all for that matter. Locutus is probably the only one who could do it efficiently.

saving what. it’s not like i care. remember that start wars kid video. I could be like him.

I’d respect your views if they weren’t in broken english and contridictory.

If white people aren’t all honest, how come you don’t generalize them all as being “bad” people as well then? How does skin color directly relate, in your opinion, to the honesty or character someone carries with themselves?

i never said i was going to get into your computer or anyones. just getting through the firewall software. thats good for him. i like my computer and don’t run much anti virus so i’d appreciate if nobody fucked with it.

Nah man, you’re way cooler than him.

As long as you have norton installed you have nothing to worry about.
That shit is hacker PROOF!

You should expect people to obey your wishes with sweet quotes like this:

I have a few black friends. They are nice. One I actually played with and showed me many things about bass guitar. I also have another in my business behavior class. She act’s like very mature, and I have nothing to say about her. I guess you are correct saying how I can’t judge a whole race. But to the rest that act like animals I have no respect for. Walking over front lawns, hopping fences, egging cars, and throwing rocks at cars that honk at them for being in the middle of the road.

Big kid behind the computer