My car was impounded last night for un paid parking tickets. Luckily they were cool enough to let me drive it to the impound versus having it destroyed by the tow company.

In speaking to the officer she told me that starting this week they have 3 officers and 3 parking officers going around scanning plates and registrations for any person with over $100 in parking tickets. This is only 2 unpaid tickets or more. Yes thats right 2 parking tickets anywhere in the city of saratoga adds up to OVER $100.

After speaking with the tow company their fees are $125 for the tow and then there is a $20 impound fee and a $50 storage fee for everyday they have it.

I had to pay $660 in parking tickets as well as $70 to the towing company today. A lot of that money i didnt have so i had to borrow it.

i suggest anyone who has parking tickets pay them immediately.

In a way I blame the city for their ridiculous ticket fees for something as stupid as not moving my car fromone side of the street to another at 8am when i leave to go to work at 8:20 but the impound i can really only blame myself for as i let the tickets build up like they did

Cliffs-pay your bills

good thing I pay all tickets!

I had a trial set up to pay them. Saratoga is so rediculous with parking tickets that the trials to get reductions are back logged 7 months. My trial date was some time in June.

Yes they just had a period when they wiped late fees if you paid all the tickets fresh off but i was just short in funds to do that

So you had sent them in ‘not guilty’ or something?

Also i was holding out on this lawyer who has a case that these are unconstituional just like tickets given to you by traffic light cameras because they are issuing a ticket to the owner of the vehicle and possibly not the driver.

Just ran out of time

The reason for this is because Saratoga is hurting for money hardcore.

They laid a few cops off as well.

From what the lady in the office told me you cant claim guilty or not guilty for them. You just set up a court date to make a plea with the judge on the amount you owe. Then its up to the judge to look at the ticket and the times issued and decide what you owe.

All my tickets are like 8:10am 8;12am cause I leave for work at 8:20 and the street switches sides at 8am

Street parking rules are mon wed fri 8am-8am tue thurs sat sun 8am-8am thats exactly what it says on the signs

Yes I also heard there is a good chance that NYRA is not going to have enough money to open the track this year and saratoga is trying to riase a couple million to donate so the track opens.

So idk how bad they are really hurting

Its $350

And they always say the track isnt going to open, i cant think of a year they havent in probably the last 5 or 6.

How the fuck is NYRA broke. Saratoga race track has to generate billions…

yeah, NYRA says they will run outta money by the middle of the summer haha. makes sense right


Done that many times my friend!

Do you remember the girls name? Was it Saratoga City PD? My ex g/f is a cop there.

Hopefully 2 lessons learned for you:
-Follow the parking rules and don’t get tickets.
-If you get a parking ticket, PAY IT

Two of the tickets were from the city switching the sides of the street on my street dutring the night without telling anyone.

23 people came out in the morning to tickets and street signs in fresh dirt.

follow those rules

Sorry your car was busted but at least they let you drive it in. good luck in court.

NYRA is broke because NYC OTB owes them 15 million