Johnny Law Sponsored by Michael Braccini

Coverage of the Johnny Law Section in Shift518.

All the past issues will be posted here.

If you have any law questions you’d like answered post it here.

Got a ticket and want to know weither or not to fight it? You got it, post it here.

Sponsored by the lawyer of the month.

What is the law on tint exactly?

No tint’s on your front window’s if that’s what your first question about it may be. Any tint shop should be able to provide you with the laws on tinting. Check out Tint Star on Central Ave in Albany!

Front plate…queerest/most useless law ever made!!!

i got bothered with it all the time on my Trans Am, probably like 6 times in 2 weeks and i finally said fuck it and screwed it underneath the front bumper(so there was no harm done to the paint or bumper) and bent it down…hits everything bc its so low but i dont give a fuck

yea, the front plate law is t3h ghey. how often do you get chased down the highway moving backwards? i cant move mine anywhere else but where its bolted to, it sucks! maybe the windshield?

i had it in the windshield for a while then it fell out one day and i never put it back in…its like seriously cops must have nothing to do to pull you over for a front plate

it is not legal to put in the windshield either. If a cop sees it in the windshield then they’ll know it isn’t in the front like it’s suppose to be and they’ll pull you over. More importantly, if you get in any sort of accident… having a metal plate fright in front of you or your passenger… not good.

I haven’t had a front plate on my evo is over 3 years. Got stopped one time and got a warning (colonie cop too)

Your front plate according to NYS Traffic and Vehicle Law has to be on the front of your vehicle no less than 12 inches from the ground and no more than 48 inches from the ground. The plate must not be covered by any shields or other devices. This rule of course does not apply to factory cars that are lower than 12 inches from the plate position. So it dosent matter where on the front of your vehicle you put the plate but it can not be behind the front window.

Personally in two years of not having my front plate, I have not been pulled over for it.

all the times ive been pulled over for it they were all warnings from colonie cops…then when i did put it on my trans am it was probably a half inch off the ground, if that…you should see the plate, half of it is gone from scraping and being bent…the numbers are still visible though

this man speaks the truth… that is the law right out of the book. i’ve gotten a few of these for having the plate in the windshield.

you know, i had my plate in my windshield in the eclipse, so they never gave me crap. once i didnt have it in, and the cop asked if i can put it on my grille, i sad that i cant cuz its too fine, so he told me to stick it in the windshield and let me go

How about an unreasonable and prudent speed ticket any one know about those

:crackup nice of you to bring that one up

i was on my bike give me a break ::slight_smile:

so that answered the whole question of can you out run the cops :lol

must be no :rofl

yea i know it…i got to work and they pulled in like a min later

Will be addressed in the upcoming issue.

:crackup are you serious? that brings up the whole old article of “if your going that fast, why stop?”…if thats in the upcoming issue, cops are gonna love it :lol

This isn’t auto related at all so I’m not sure if it’s an ok thing to ask, but it is def law related.

I just read an article about counterfeit money and was curious about this issue.

What if you were unknowingly in possession of some counterfeit money (got it back as change at the local gas station or whatever) and tried to deposit it in the bank or got caught using it at another location? What would happen?

I bet they arrest your ass and they keep you arrested until you can prove where you got the fake bills from… which would be god damn near impossible to do since no one keeps track of where their bills come from.

my friend used to work for amsa. usually they catch the fake bills when they get deposits from stores and stuff. if uve got a fake 10 dollar bill or something and you dont know about it, i dont think itll be a problem.